Happened to Sweetheart at Fry's.

Sweetheart said:
Oh really? Why did your doctor say that you cant work? It's up to you telling if you want to... It's your choose
reason why - my back is diease disc back since 2001... that why i cant work... :)
It occurs to me that it might be best to be specific about what work you want or ask them what they are hiring for. It's better than to say you will work for anything. That's just my opinion.

I know it can be difficult to get hired as a deaf person, and I have had experiences with people who are not comfortable with the deaf. I just keep looking because if they don't like me, then it's their loss......unless they say discriminating things. I was once asked if I could hear the PA (Public Announcement) on my first job. I said that I could not understand it. One time I was the only one in that department which required my attention,so an coworker walked to find me twice. All of the other time, there was another person to take care of that. That store depends on the PA all of the time.
My hubby once got hired by Fry's store a couple of years back. Like you, he is deaf and can't talk either so he took note pad and pen to the interview. What he did is say what type of job he wanted (warehouse) and told them about the ADA law requiring large companies to hire a percentage of people with disabilities. Of course, he stretched the truth about needing the $$ to feed the family, etc.:) He got the job but unfortunately, his bad back got hurt so he had to leave the job.

The interviewer should introduce him/herself and it sounds like he never interviewed a deaf person or never done any interviews before. It did not sound like he was excited about hiring you, sorry it was a crappy interview.

Next time, tell them what job position you want and how you can work the situtation around your deafness. Gotta to impress the hell out of them!! ;)

Hang in there and something will come along!! :)
i had plm try to get my mother sense that i did work in public place SHEESH
i work at college bookstore
kid pizza place
those 2 places i got hired after finished inviewed
i don't have plm communicate in those jobs NONE i used small notebook and pen that it no plm

and i was out of job for 4 years now damn
i was interviewed last year at a clothing store where my deaf friend works but didn't get the job but hire 3 other hearing ppl insead GRR i told her about that she said just forget it keep looking

and i would love to work in public place again sighs mom said NO you can't sheesh but i don't have plm in public place sheesh

it sound a bad inview
i got inviewed by this idiot inviewer who ignored me and talk to my job supervisor and when my sister heard about it she bashed at the owner of the store where i was inviewed WHOA LOL

but i agree with everyone here good luck next time if it didn't go well
i am starting to looking for job NOW lala
Your interview kind of sounds like a job interview I had before. I went to a family restaurant, and I said I wanted to clean tables (busser) or cook in the back. Well, he was saying that bussers have to host tables, and that the kitchen was crazy that it would be hard for me to hear. I don't know, but I wish he'd tell me what "crazy" he really meant. He asked what hours I was looking for. I said, full-time. He was like, "see, we only have part-time." He asked, "do you have other interviews?" I told him yes, then what's weird is that he said, "if you can't find anything, then let me know, and I'll see if we can give you something." Of course, I am not going back for crap like that. He either has a job offer for me or he doesn't. Not maybe.