HANG MAN ~game~ Wanna Play?

No C!

Cheri said:
*covering ears* Don't make me more deaf than I already am. :Ohno:

Back to topic,

Let's see, Ummm....... Ummm.......
HA HA IT already called!

I put ABC and I removed when each person called the letter...so easier for someone to look at it and don't need to repeat. :thumb:

Heart2Sign said:
What about S? :fly2: as in sexy!

:P :P :P :P Yay for me!
OHHHHHHHHHHHHH I thought you were just cheating..I didn't realize that
those were the letters that weren't called...
:jaw: How stupid am I!

Hummm I for Idiot? :crazy: (maybe I should look at that list)
BCDFGH"I" :rl: (blasts the I off the board)JKLOPQRUVWXZ


look before you CALL! :thumb:
Heart2Sign said:
OHHHHHHHHHHHHH I thought you were just cheating..I didn't realize that
those were the letters that weren't called...
:jaw: How stupid am I!

Hummm I for Idiot? :crazy: (maybe I should look at that list)

That's ok!

Heart2Sign said:
OHHHHHHHHHHHHH I thought you were just cheating..I didn't realize that
those were the letters that weren't called...
:jaw: How stupid am I!

Hummm I for Idiot? :crazy: (maybe I should look at that list)