Hallo from Latvia


New Member
Oct 11, 2006
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Hallo from Latvia. Latvia is in Eastern Europe. This is a post comunism country.

I am a mom of 7 years old hard hearing boy. His hearing is not as bad as the problems he has with not getting a propper education and help at school. I hope to meet here some people who would be able to help me with some ideas (and may be with some supplies too) and experience.

I really want to learn how the education sistem and education support of hard hearing works in other countries.
i have no idea how much support you ll be getting where you are now but you can check it out online and some people here willbe of good help i m sorry i wasnt much help only t hing i can say is stay positive and worry not help is on the way (not superman of course)
to AD.. I hope you will enjoy the stay with us and happy posting away! :)
Hello Kristina!

I have been to Estonia which's north of Lativa.

I believe Estonia does have a deaf school that uses sign language. (Liza, correct me if I am wrong).

America do have various schools for Deaf/hard of hearing offerin various methods of communication such as sign language or speech. Most do prefer sign language. There are some deaf schools where only Deaf students are enrolled and then there are mainstreamed school which means there are few Deaf students enrolled in a public hearing school (but they use signlanguage by using interpreter to relay communications between the Deaf students and hearing classmates/teachers).
They are usually free because all of those are public schools which means they are funded by government.
:welcome: to Alldeaf! Enjoy browsing and posting!