Hair time!

Just one vote. No if, NOOOOOO.

  • Straighten Hair

    Votes: 10 43.5%
  • Curly Hair

    Votes: 6 26.1%
  • Wave Hair

    Votes: 3 13.0%
  • Other : post it to describe the hair style.

    Votes: 4 17.4%

  • Total voters
Straight hair is not always a good thing, it can flatten against your face so I always have to style my hair every day to make it wavy :) volume does wonders for a face!
Straight hair is not always a good thing, it can flatten against your face so I always have to style my hair every day to make it wavy :) volume does wonders for a face!

I agree! Sometimes i need change like this week i get my hair straight but i can see there is some leftover "volume" in there. Like my dh is tired of seeing me with volume/styles all the time. :roll:
Hair? you all have hair?

I've shaved my head for 2 years now. Going bald at 20 is a pain. The only problem I have is people coming up to me at parties and wanting to touch my head.
Hair? you all have hair?

I've shaved my head for 2 years now. Going bald at 20 is a pain. The only problem I have is people coming up to me at parties and wanting to touch my head.


Okay, I wouldn't touch your head but merely peek at the reflection off your head to see if I have spinach in my teeth :D
My hair's a medium curl and up until two years ago I'd gotten my head completely shaved but now it's just past my bottom with shoulder-length being my goal (mom hates it)

Your bottom what? :confused:
Hair? you all have hair?

I've shaved my head for 2 years now. Going bald at 20 is a pain. The only problem I have is people coming up to me at parties and wanting to touch my head.
Nice to know that you have a shiny bald head! :P

Okay, I wouldn't touch your head but merely peek at the reflection off your head to see if I have spinach in my teeth :D

Hey! It's not too shiney.

*sigh* yea fine it is. Only when I shave it right before I go out. Otherwise I get the equivalent of a 5 o'clock shadow on my noggin.
Hey! It's not too shiney.

*sigh* yea fine it is. Only when I shave it right before I go out. Otherwise I get the equivalent of a 5 o'clock shadow on my noggin.


I'm sorry, I don't mean to giggle at your plight.

Aha!! I know of a solution :) why not ask Jiro to spare you one of his infamous wigs? I think the blonde one will suit you well :D

I'm sorry, I don't mean to giggle at your plight.

Aha!! I know of a solution :) why not ask Jiro to spare you one of his infamous wigs? I think the blonde one will suit you well :D

Hey! I look good with a shaved head. Not everyone can pull off the picard look :D Plus showers, head rubs , and cool pillows feel awesome.

So keep your hair damn you! My scalp shall remain silky smooth, reflective as it may be.
Yeah I feel you. It's too much work to make my hair straight. :cry:

Yes, believe me its a lot of work. I currently , have layers will grow them out soon and have my hair long again. Its mid back layered.
Oooh, I love the Picard look. My darlin husband is as bald as a bean. One of the many reasons I keep him. No shedding. lol

Bramus, I think you have pretty long hair, and look pretty with short hair. Guys are handsome, I know, but I am old, ok? You are handsome either way.

Mine is softly curly here, wildly curly at the beach. Humidity is a curls best friend. I keep it blown straightish to keep it tidy.
Bramus, I like you with long hair better, but I've always been partial to longer hair. You look handsome in both pictures!

I wish that I had my son's hair. Everyone loves his hair. Here it is long:

military-style hairdo

Just really short?

I like mine really really really short. I always get a buzz on the sides and a short cut on the top. I will tell people that I feel like I need a haircut and they will reply, "If you got your hair cut any shorter, you'd be bald." :lol:

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