HA or CI Phone


  • Yes, CI or HA

    Votes: 7 38.9%
  • NO

    Votes: 8 44.4%
  • Just hear, do not speak well

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Just speak, do not hear well

    Votes: 3 16.7%

  • Total voters

Frisky Feline

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2003
Reaction score
ANyone of you who can hear or speak on the phone?

Just the poll will do.

If you feel like you want to explain, sure suit yourself.
phone user, perfer text but can use phone.
Sometimes if i am driving or in a noisy area, i turn on the t-coil.
Depends on the person whom I talk with. If he/she has a very clear, articulate voice, I would understand that person over the phone with my CI's. Problem is that the general population speaks very fast over the phone, it is unnatural for them to slow down and speak clearly like they do to our faces.

p.s. The best setup for me is to use both CI's with the accessory plug in.
Wirelessly posted (Backberry)

I've had mixed results. Best was with a land line phone and a head set while using both CI and HA... Now no longer use a HA so its more challenging on the phone. I only use a cell phone with a few people I know I can understand.
I only have HAs, and I gave up on the phone years ago. It got to be "what?" every other word LOL. With all the technology we have, I no longer need to stress myself out with a phone. I just like PLAYING with my new cell phone :)
Notwithstanding I have Cochlear Implant- I don't hear people speaking on the phone. I can hear the dial tone-however. I just continued using my Ultra Tech 1140 TTY on VCO to this day. I got it in 1996 are becoming DEAF in right ear.

I understand roughly 1 out 2 Implantees can't hear on regular phone. Info from Sunnybrook/Toronto. I have mentioned before-my brother has the exactly same Implant and can hear on the regular phone. Human variability!
Notwithstanding I have Cochlear Implant- I don't hear people speaking on the phone. I can hear the dial tone-however. I just continued using my Ultra Tech 1140 TTY on VCO to this day. I got it in 1996 are becoming DEAF in right ear.

I understand roughly 1 out 2 Implantees can't hear on regular phone. Info from Sunnybrook/Toronto. I have mentioned before-my brother has the exactly same Implant and can hear on the regular phone. Human variability!

dang, thats a high rate of people that cant hear on the phone with implant.
I know 3 implant users that are friends of mine use the phone. All my within my age group and all had the same amount of years implanted (one of them just a few years).
for me, it's troubling for me to hear on the phone so I have bluetooth on my streamer so I'll try using that feature again

also I prefer Facetime on my sister's ipod touch since it's easier for deafies like us
I can hear and speak well into the phone with my HAs. Just can't understand the speakers on the receiving emd unless they keep their sentences to one word sentences.
I tried phone calls recently for the first time :D Although I'm using CI for more than 12 years, I didn't want to try it and was happy with text messages. But I finally pushed myself to try it, so I called to mom and a friend. Well.. it was a bit hard, but we could conversate. So maybe I need some training :D
But it's funny how slow is my brain when converting sounds and lipreading to something understandable .. at first I feel like "wtf did she say??" but then my brain processes it and I recognize it. Sometimes I reply "what?" just miliseconds before recognizing what was said.

Btw, I didn't like the t-coil option, because I still heard some buzzing and I didn't hear myself (full t-coil, no microphone input set on my N5 processor)
I tried phone calls recently for the first time :D Although I'm using CI for more than 12 years, I didn't want to try it and was happy with text messages. But I finally pushed myself to try it, so I called to mom and a friend. Well.. it was a bit hard, but we could conversate. So maybe I need some training :D
But it's funny how slow is my brain when converting sounds and lipreading to something understandable .. at first I feel like "wtf did she say??" but then my brain processes it and I recognize it. Sometimes I reply "what?" just miliseconds before recognizing what was said.

Btw, I didn't like the t-coil option, because I still heard some buzzing and I didn't hear myself (full t-coil, no microphone input set on my N5 processor)

Do you talk even when the processor is off?
I talk very normal even when the processor is off so I am able to use t-coil without try to "over-sound" my voice to hear myself.
When I had HA's I had a hard time on the phone. I think the last time a phone was easy enough for me, I must have been in my 20's. That's a while ago.
Do you talk even when the processor is off?
I talk very normal even when the processor is off so I am able to use t-coil without try to "over-sound" my voice to hear myself.

Yes, I do. But I don't feel very comfortable, because I need to hear myself to know if my loudness is okay :) It doesn't matter when I'm at home but when I'm somewhere out, I need to adjust my voice to the environment..

anyways, this is still a very minor problem. Buzzing is worse. And I feel it doesn't sound so clear as phone loudspeakers. But I tried it only once, so maybe I can try it again, with different settings, in different environments and so on..

but still .. text messages forever! :D
Bilateral profound hearing loss (deafness) above 750 mHz here, normal hearing below 500 mHz.

I don't currently use hearing aids, but I am looking to get a pair that are bluetooth enabled so that I can amplify the audio signal of my phone directly.

As of now, I can converse fine on my phone with the volume cranked when talking to family members, but struggle understanding others and particularly women (high pitched voices). I use my phone for texting more than talking, obviously.
I can understand a very limited range of people in limited circumstances. I can speak to people I know very well on easy topics while they go slowly with me and warn me of upcoming changes of subject provided that the person is connected to my FM system by Bluetooth and I'm not having an acute hearing loss day. I'm limited by the battery because Bluetooth drains the smartlink battery really fast. I can't use a "normal" phone not plugged into my HAs or connected somehow and no way can I talk to call centres and things, whatever they do to their phone lines they are seriously lacking in volume. I have it coming out of the phone so loud my husband can hear and clearly undersrtand it in another room but I can only just answer "is a noise coming out of this phone, yes or no?".
Nah, I don't even bother. Why torture myself like that, especially with all the IMs and texting...?
Nah, I dont mess with phones,anymo'. It's a major pain in da arse. I dont even text or anything of that crap. It's so peaceful.
Used to until my hearing loss dropped to profound levels (>90dB). Thank goodness for texting, & even emails on smartphones
I only have a Galaxy Tab, which texts, but doesn't call. I have Skype on it, so I can call my Mom and Husband when I need to, but generally phone calls aren't worth the effort.
I use the phone only with family for a short time my
,hear aids sound like, noisy a lot of the time .so can't hear that well . They have to repeat so much I don't talk much.on the phone .

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