HA Compatible Wireless Headset


New Member
Jul 28, 2008
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I am new to HAs, and am so happy! But, I live in Washington State and a law was recently passed requiring drivers to use a hands-free headset.

I have Phonak Audeo V and I have been so frustrated in my (limited) research for a HA compatible Wireless Headset.

Any advice? Suggestions?

Thank you!
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:welcome: to AllDeaf forum. Wow, I have never heard of that one before and this is new to me. Sorry, I don't have any advice or suggestions to you. But I hope you enjoy reading and posting all the threads here. Have fun with us. See you around. :wave:
I don't know about it either, sorry.

I also live in Washington State. I am not sure on anything like that. What i do know is that the officers can't pull you over for being on the phone unless you are speeding or something like that. even still they have to prove you were on the phone. One recommendation is that you use the speakerphone option. Or get a car adapter that uses the car speakers.
Thanks for your replies!

So, I'm surprised and also, not so surprised that no one has heard of a Bluetooth headset to use in conjuction with my HA and Cell phone....

I spent several hours last night doing research and didn't find much.

Thanks anyway!
Hi and :welcome: to AD! Hope you will enjoy being with us on this site. :)
Hi and welcome to alldeaf.
Here are two sites that might help you. You didn't specify whether you needed tty or dai, but you should be able to find what you need at one of them....

The Hearing Loss Help Co.

Telephones/Cell Phone Headsets

this second one has the only dai headset I could find. I have it and it works great if you can still understand speech. You can also get connection adaptors from radio shack so that you can use it with mp3 players, etc. Hope that helps.

I am new to HAs, and am so happy! But, I live in Washington State and a law was recently passed requiring drivers to use a hands-free headset.

I have Phonak Audeo V and I have been so frustrated in my (limited) research for a HA compatible Wireless Headset.

Any advice? Suggestions?

Thank you!

Will not the Phonak iCom pare your hearing aid with your cell phone. If you have a telecoil on your aid you can use a induction bluetooth neck loop.