H.R. Bill 2329


New Member
Jul 24, 2007
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I hope I am posting this in the right forum as I am pretty new here. For those of you who are not aware there is currently a Bill in the House that allows people who are over the age of 55, or who are purchasing hearing aids for dependents, to get a $500 credit per hearing aid. While it still really sucks that insurance companies (for the most part) and Medicare will not pay for hearing aids, this is definitely a step in the right direction towards relieving the huge financial burden of purchasing hearing aids.

I was wondering, if anyone could point me in the direction of finding out which coalition was initially or currently responsible for helping the legislaton get in the house in the first place, as well as possibly creating a petition of some sort to voice support as registered voters for the bill.

To go more into depth, I am an intern at the National Kidney Foundation. I am a kidney-transplant survivor who has a genetic condition called Alports Syndrome, a kidney disease with sensorineural hearing loss that progresses over time. I had a kidney transplant (From my mom!) in 2003 and am doing quite well but am still greatly upset and burdened by the fact that I will have to find a way to pay for my own hearing aids every couple of years (because as those of us who wear them know [I wear in-the-ear hearing aids] our ears grow and change shape all the time and hearing aids no longer fit properly after a couple of years).

I have talked to several employees at my job involved with Congressional Liasion and educating the public and they agree it is a worthy cause to get behind, although it would take lower priority to other current congressional efforts our organization is pursuing. One example of such a pursuit, for those who are interested, is a bill that would extend the coverage of immunosuppresant medication to people who have had kidney transplants.

The real purpose behind my post, as said, is to find out who the coalition is behind this Bill and to gain support from this large (14,000 member?) community in getting this legislation passed! It would defnitely be a big step in the right direction and I'm sure would benefit most every person on this forum! If you can post any useful information or find a way to help organize our efforts with other forums or other hearing loss organizations (such as, for example, the Hearing Loss Association of America) it would be most helpful and appreciated!

You can either leave a message here and I will try to read it as soon as possible or you can e-mail me at Slayerized16@hotmail.com . This is a fight that is right and I think with enough effort we can win, and perhaps in the near future get a bill passed that will finally force insurance companies to cover hearing aids or ease the monumentous burden people like us face.

Thanks for your time!
I wish they are looking for better ways than this! They really need to add deductions for any medical cost. Usually there is NO deductions for medical cost, there are plenty of Americans without medical insurance, and the cost of Medical insurance is INSANE! Uncle Sam does not count them as deduction, SAD! I won't care for hearing aid, because it is part of medical expenses, forget the idea of hearing aid credit, we need is medical cost deduction, preferred 100%
I wish they are looking for better ways than this! They really need to add deductions for any medical cost. Usually there is NO deductions for medical cost, there are plenty of Americans without medical insurance, and the cost of Medical insurance is INSANE! Uncle Sam does not count them as deduction, SAD! I won't care for hearing aid, because it is part of medical expenses, forget the idea of hearing aid credit, we need is medical cost deduction, preferred 100%

I agree with you totally, but that is too huge a step to hope for all at once. The government is already bloated and overspending money on healthcare as it is, and it is a pain to get them to approve any sort of health care or medical spending bill. Like I said in the O.P., it's not the best, but it's a start, and I'd rather have this than nothing!
RIght now Im feeling the sting of being working poor and uninsured. Because I have no insurance the doctors treat me as 2nd class citizen, even though just 4 years ago I had insurance and they were more than happy to help me. what is lopsided is this:

If you go to the ER - they HAVE to run tests and diagnose regardless if you are insured or not - but the bill is 3 times higher than what it would be if you go to the clinic where they reserve the right to treat you however they please based on whether or not you are insured.

Medicaid and Medicare help those that are under 21 and over 55. But what about the folks between 21 and 55?? Thats ALOT of people without medical insurance of some sort, and those are the years you typically find yourself with serious injuries, diagnosis of serious illnesses and what not - and uninsured.

I say there should be a way for Uncle Same to help those that are trying to help themselves - the working poor and middle class. If you can show proof that you are working, drug free, and what not - then you should be able to apply for TEMPORARY INSURANCE PRIVILEDGES - or a TIP program is what I would call it. It would be Similar to SCHIP - which is State Child Healthcare Insurance Programs. Most employers allow you to have insurance at 90 days some at 6 months, but to fill that 3-6 month gap of no insurance - then you should be able to apply for it and the government takes a certain percentage of your paycheck everyweek to pay for the insurance, then you get a card in the mail and you pay a $20 co-pay for all non-emergency doctor visits, $20 co-pay on medications that are $20 or more - and a $200 co-pay on Emergency Room visits(paid out in monthly payments). The government pays for the rest of it. Those on SSI-SSDI- Medicare - Medicaid - unemployed are unelligible as they are already receiving benefits. The key point to all of this is showing PROOF that you are in fact working - which means your paying taxes into the system to keep it going. In other words - if your paying for it, you should get to use it.

For those that are working at McDonalds and small companies that do not offer company insurance a seperate program should be set up ---

The company works with the state to set the company enrolled in a Private-Public Insurance program where the person works for a private company but is obtaining insurance through the state and they too have a percentage of their paycheck taken out of their pay each week to pay for the insurance and the co-pay is $30 for non-emergency doctor visits, $300 co-pay for Emergency care (again paid out in installments), and a $20 co-pay for all medications over $20. Why is it higher than temporary insurance? Because this is long term insurance that is only available as long as the person is working for a company that otherwise does not offer a healthcare plan. The same person may drop out and re-enroll when they change jobs or if they change positions (such as a McManager - McManagers get healthcare).

Its not a perfect system but at least it leaves a bigger net to catch those that are otherwise uninsured and are actually putting forth an effort to work and make a living.
Medicaid has NO EXCUSE! They pay for wheelchairs, devices.......
What about Michael Moore's movie - "Sicko!" ? I was told that it was alright. It is a little boring to watch the movie. I find that disappointment.

He said that the real problem is that too many people who work for their insurance company are very greedy. The insurance company give them a big discount awhile we pay more for our insurance. The only way is for them to quit working for the company. That's where we will get more relief and paying less.

Another issue, hearing aid and medical supplies companies are horrible expensive. This is where the problem started. I believe that the insurance company and medical supplies are the ones that cause the troubles. It does not matter how the hearing aids are successful because of the money. They do not give a shit about us.

The hospital do not give a damn about your kidney. They all want is your money first, and then they will help you with your kidney surgery.

How will we help you with the H.R. Bill 2329? Is there a petition on the internet? I do not think that Republicans (Congress people) care about it. Some petition forms on the internet are tricky - That's what we have to be careful to find the right path.
Congress pays 300 billion dollars more or less yearly to all military people. They got medical free, money for college, dentist, and retirement. We are poor to pay taxes for military luxury reasons. War goes on.

My health insurance took $200 out of my pocket every month. I don't go to doctor since year ago! WORST i had my herroid surgery they said my health did not cover it. 200 times 12 mean 2400 dollars a year. Wyoming law suggest I must have health insurance on my kids when I am divorce.
My health insurance took $200 out of my pocket every month. I don't go to doctor since year ago! WORST i had my hemorrhoid surgery they said my health did not cover it. 200 times 12 mean 2400 dollars a year. Wyoming law suggest I must have health insurance on my kids when I am divorce.

Wow! That's bad. Are you working? If not, you could apply for SSDI because of your children.

If your ex-wife makes more money than you make at work, she is required to pay you monthly in order to support your family until they turn 16 or 18 years old. I am not exact sure that her pension is required to divide the money between you and your ex-wife after the divorce. I do not want to ask you about that. I leave that to you. You gotta eat fibers from cereals, Brazil nuts, yogurt, and fruits daily. (i.e. Dietary Fibers)

By the way, my insurance does not cover some expenses when I was in the hospital for my heart surgery last year. I found out that some of my doctors have their own office outside the hospital which does not included the fee. I cannot believe it.