Guys make no sense!


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Apr 28, 2006
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So I really like this guy at my school, and I IMed him and asked him if he liked me and he said ya a little so when I asked him if he wanted to be my BF he didnt respond and changed the subject, I know for a fact he has no GF! Its so weird guys are weirdos :dunno:
Well, guys would not be weird if your going to be rushing into thing real quick, Give it some to the guy get to know each others...flirt whatever but just dont hop in a relationship just cos u like him. and your young...enjoy life a little bit too.

and Welcome to AD :)
Maybe he does not want to be your boyfriend?
By the way, not ALL guys are weirdos ;)
Maybe he was awkward and didnt know what to say so changed the subject. He could like you but not ready to be your BF.

I would give him space and just get to know him slowly - most men dont like to be rushed or pushed.
Well I know not all guys are weirdos! And I guess your right I shouldnt rush things and I wouldnt if he wasnt moving in like 2 month
I disagree with all of you. All guys are weird. You may not see it, but once you he hands you the ring and you say "I do," it's all downhill from there. My advice: just don't date.
Most guys I know really don't like to rush into things.
My hub and I we were "friends" before we started dating.
It's a good "watching" sort of speak time you can see
how a person reacts and such. I was hanging around him with
his friends/family and what not. He not only liked me, but now knew
I was exactly what he was looking for. I put my actions where my mouth
was. Sometimes people say, or do stuff just to get approval and gain a relationship. I got into that trap acouple of times with a guy. Finally, I found
a man that was willing to step up, be responsible, and be a family man.

So, relax a bit, You have your whole life ahead of you.
When it comes down to a should say hey you wanna
hang out sometime? Or do you wanna go out and get a movie...

Commitment is far to complex to just rush into. Take your time, you may find there are other guys that have more admirable qualities that you REALLY LOVE about THEM!

ChatterGirl259 said:
So I really like this guy at my school, and I IMed him and asked him if he liked me and he said ya a little so when I asked him if he wanted to be my BF he didnt respond and changed the subject, I know for a fact he has no GF! Its so weird guys are weirdos :dunno:

Hi, you are a girl. Please dont ask any guys for being boyfriend and girlfriend. I was your age, I asked several boys to be my boyfriend. A last boy was so mean to me after I wrote him a note. He gave my note to everyone in class. I got so embrassed. I learned my lesson to not ask boys. If you really like a boy then let him know that you like him lot instead ask for being your boyfriend. He will think about if he like you or not after get know each other. Let boys chase you instead chase them. I got lot of boyfriends that they chased me. I never ask guys to go out after I learned my lesson. Trust me! You will see guys will chase you when you get older. Be patient!
I would go with Bowak's comments also with ghsh1996's comments. They make very good advice to give. Heart2Sign also has good advice. Gemtun does too have good advice. If I was you then I would take all those four advices. You are still a teenager girl. Enjoy these teenager girl years now because you will be a teenager only once.
Stay a very happy go lucky carefree, pure and holy teenager girl. :angel:
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When I was younger I never had boyfriends, now I'am almost 40 .......
and they won't leave you alone!

The difference is you know who you are, take it this way a young guy in this case probably has no clue what to do and doesn't want to do anything because he has no idea what to do, seriously!

If he doesn't have a girlfriend, but girls are swimming over him all the time and at his age, he's probably going nuts thinking about it so he's just trying to climb the rails of living by straightening out his priorities and life if he's a smart one!
If he's not so smart, he'll use girls for his own enjoyment and dish them later and will probably feel guilty but seeing how the North American culture with guys maybe not it's like a big macho ego think for some.

I was looking at this older 50ish guy just looking at this girl on the subway, and I just really wanted to go up and say "Look at somebody your own age"
or "You really need to connect to yourself, man!". Those people are so disconnected from themselves!

But this guy may be nervous, I'd apologize to him to just ease things off his chest and play it cool with him by letting him know you'd just like to chum around and hang out as buddy's and then see what happens from there.
When I was younger I never had boyfriends, now I'am almost 40 .......
and they won't leave you alone!

The difference is you know who you are, take it this way a young guy in this case probably has no clue what to do and doesn't want to do anything because he has no idea what to do, seriously!

If he doesn't have a girlfriend, but girls are swimming over him all the time and at his age, he's probably going nuts thinking about it so he's just trying to climb the rails of living by straightening out his priorities and life if he's a smart one!
If he's not so smart, he'll use girls for his own enjoyment and dish them later and will probably feel guilty but seeing how the North American culture with guys maybe not it's like a big macho ego think for some.

Younger guys like girls who know who they are, when I see guys with girls their age who are flirty and act y'know they do respect the girls who respect themselves and know who they are, and believe me I do know what an ass most guys act like, believe me I do! But do you want to be with an ass anyway? Nah! I mean picture yourself as a martial artist instructor or someone's who just sits back and lets the Universe be her CEO and do eveything for her, because if the Universe/God really loves you stop getting in the way and just enjoy yourself and have fun, people get in their way so much. For example when whales swim a lot one day, they don't say: I should rest up for the week, and check out what the whale scientists have to say about balming in the shallow oceans and eating too many orka fish before I do that...........People don't believe in themselves and do whatever because we're just so conditioned to do what society has taught us, except we're not taught to believe in ourselves and to communicate are we?

So just relax, apologize to him because you we're too forward and just say I'd just like to chum around with you because I respect you and think your a great guy, we can just hang out as buddies and so forth,.........anyway do you want to head out for a soda at ????, with me and ......... (maybe)?
Don't try to put him on the spot, unless your playing games and he sort of knows this but I'd do that later when you know that you both repect each other before things start happening if he's into that.

I was looking at this older 50ish guy just looking at this girl on the subway, and I just really wanted to go up and say "Look at somebody your own age"
or "You really need to connect to yourself, man!". Those people are so disconnected from themselves!

But this guy may be nervous, I'd apologize to him to just ease things off his chest and play it cool with him by letting him know you'd just like to chum around and hang out as buddy's and then see what happens from there.

And of course, if your anxious about how to go about it try homeopathy because it seriously will ease the situation for you about relaxing and just knowing and being yourself. It works
I agreed with some of people in here. Just giving him some times, maybe he do likes you but not ready to be your boyfriend or something like that. Good luck.

:welcome: to alldeaf