Guy complained about sign language in his blog


New Member
Oct 19, 2003
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Here's a blog I found that belongs to a guy who complained about sign language, and the grunts deaf people makes....then he changed the subject saying "it's ok for the deaf to use sign language".
I don't know who the poster who responded to this guy, but he's right. I am not laughing at the complaints this guy had made in his blog. dry.gif

Here's the link:
Don't get your underwear in knots; that was just good ole sarcasm.....meant no harm....
well in all aspect someones closed minded and just wanted to rant for the hell of it? thats not rant thats pure stupidity!!!!!!!
poor guy there, he should be leaving the country and live on a isolated island and see how he feel with his whining self anyhow.
sequoias said:
poor guy there, he should be leaving the country and live on a isolated island and see how he feel with his whining self anyhow.

AND allow only one DEAF woman show up
at that same island... right front of him...

Imagine what will happen at the end... Hmmm....

He'll fall in love with her eventually....and
he probably will never use his voice again
while communicate with her....

That's All, Folks.... :)

He must had a bad day or something for him to whine about how much he hates Deaf people using sign language....shall we sit in the front row and just sign away so we could make him a bit more madder? heh....

It really doesn't bother me what some people thinks about sign language or Deaf/Hard of hearing people etc...since they have the right to speak or complaining about something that makes them feel annoying I guess...I don't think he meant any harm, just expressing his feelings out likely the rest of us do when we talk about hearing people.....
C'mon now, the writer was asked to invent/write an original rant. The writer does not have any negative feelings about the deaf at all. Re-read.....toward the end, the writer even reversed the tables on hearing people. The content of the rant does not reflect the writer's feelings about the deaf at all; its just make-believe for the sake of a writing assignment.

Know what? We can do the same here.....write something (500 words-lol) bad about deafness or something else....of course we would be "pretending"; it would be an exercise to show our imagination in our writing BUT not a true reflection of how we feel. Anyone game for that? We could start another thread and do not if your'e too sensitive.
all have opinions about what he have to write in his blog.. and for one I ain't gonna read his blog cuz i respect everyone's privacy ;)