Not guilty on the farting...guilty on having my kid embarrass the heck out of me!
Have you ever laughed so hard you peed yourself?
Not guilty.
Have you never make it in time to the toilet??
Not guilty on the farting...guilty on having my kid embarrass the heck out of me!
Have you ever laughed so hard you peed yourself?
Not guilty.
Have you never make it in time to the toilet??
Not least not since I was 3!
Do you brush your teeth in the shelter.
Not guilty.
Do you drink more than 6 cups of coffee in the morning to get started?
Not Guilty. (I'm not a coffee fanatic)
Have you ever accidentally ran in the restroom only to realize that there's someone else already in there?
Not guilty.
Have you ever went into the opposite sex's bathroom in the public because "you-had-to-go?"
Have you ever done something so stupid only to try to make an impression?
Have you ever done something to impress someone only it backfires?
Guilty. :Oops:
Have you ever tried to turn left or right to avoid the police car that is tailgating you?
Not guilty.
Have you ever went into the opposite sex's bathroom in the public because "you-had-to-go?"
Guilty like hell!
Have you ever swam naked in the ocean?
Do I really have to answer that question?
Guilty too!
Have you ever eaten frog legs?
Guilty. It's good!
Have you talked to yourself front of the mirror only realizing that you were caught?
Guilty! I used to practice sign in front of a mirror. My son would catch me and look at me like I had lost my mind!
Have you ever gone frog gigging?
Guilty. I haven't went to a frog gigging for years, though.
Have you ever waved at someone who you thought you knew and only to realize it's not the same person you thought it was?![]()
Have you ever flipped someone off thinking it was someone you disliked only to realize it was not the same person you thought it was?
Not guilty.
Have you ever broken up with someone on Valentine's Day?