Guess who I met last week on Feb. 5?

WOW!! you are soov very lucky! i wish watch on tv but can't bec of have go work at nite oh rats! but glad that you will be on tv if i can ask one of my friend cover for me so i can get nite off to watch you! ;)
Interesting... I've seen part of one show. That's it. But it does seem like an interesting show. You're lucky. ;)
I am so jealous of you!!! Way to go, woman!!!

I cannot wait to see you on TV!! You can be a FAMOUS woman!!!
Oh My Gosh, Extreme House Makeover is one of my favorite too as well. Every time, I watch that show, I gotta have a box of Kleenex next to me because it is definitely a tearjerker even though it means well. LOL

It's wonderful that you got to see the new house up close and to meet the rest of the crew. That was amazing and I am sure you will always keep that in your memories for the rest of your life. You can pass on that experience to others to make others feel special too. ;)

You can be creative, say words that comes from your heart mostly and yet be subtle too. That will help with your creativity when submitting the request to ABC. Like others said, It doesn't hurt. Go for it and chase your dream! :)

SAME HERE TOO!!! :lol:
my hunny always gives me tissues BEFORE I START crying!!!
cuz he KNOWS that i get very teary!!! sheesh... i got a very soft heart here :D
Wow u are so l ucky u get to meet the crew! dang! pfft at you! lol..

TY is gorgeous!!!! i wouldnt mind KISS him! lOL.. hope my husband will not see what i said! *whistling* heheheh.. j/k ha....
I don't watch that show, sorry, but I do know who you are talking about, It must be nice to meet the crew. ;)