Guess what I got for my graduation gift?


Stay weird
Premium Member
Apr 5, 2003
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I got a brand new Canon Supershot A75 digital camera!! I had experiment with a digital camera for a first time. I love it. I am still learning how to use it properly. I will bring it with me to New England next week!! :cool:
WTG oddball GLAD u like ur new camera HEHEHEHE :) now now no naked ones not wanna see it ! LOL!
Here is the first picture of Bo. :cool:


  • Cutebo.jpg
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:lol: How cute -- Bo look ssoooooooooooooooooooo adorable sitting there with her brown eyes looking right at the camera. ;)
haha Oddball, Bo looks so cute, and I am happy you got that from your graduation, now take a picture of yourself and post it in here.....

Oh btw, I will make sure there's a bunket near Bbnt in case he drooling over your picture! :ily:
congrats on ur brand spanking new digital camera, u can take quikkie pictures and send it on the web or whatever u like....winks Canon is a great camera company :)
Oh thats a wonderful graduation gift!! I bet you are having lots of fun with it!
your dog is sooo cute! Congrats on your graduation too! :)
:applause: yayay Oddball!!!! glad u got ur new digital camera!!!! do have fun playing around with it and YES take some photos while u are out and about travelling and whatever! :thumb:

the pix of ur dog Bo is so CUTE!!!! hehe
Congrats!! have fun w/ it! it s sure a hobby! be careful to bring to the oceanfront or boating.. it ruined my Sony digital camera. :( It was broke when I travelled to Key West, FL. :(
Thank you. I will be careful with my digital camera, Georgiadeaf. Thanks for warning me about boating, etc.

Sure, I will take many pictures in MA/CT/NH. I will send out some pictures, ok? I will take my time to crop and reduce size of pictures.

Smiles. :D