Proton or Neutron?
Sure most of the objects impacting the large object are protons. What is resulting from those impacts to make the object so bright and what is the object?
Proton or Neutron?
It's a gamma ray image of the moon taken by CGRO.
It's a little technical for me, but I think it has to do with how much gamma rays are absorbed by the object... There's a few different ways to measure it.
Cosmic rays, which are mostly protons, hit the Moon and make gamma rays, which were detected by CGRO. It's really bright in that wavelength range, brighter than the Sun when solar activity is low.
Particles that obey Bose-Einstein statistics -> bosons -> includes photons -> includes gamma rays & visible light
The stuff that obeys Fermi–Dirac statistics that we sent to the Moon -> matter particles -> ourselves and our Apollo gear