Guess this image!

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Sorry for not responding. We had a major thunderstorm today around 5 am and has been without power until a hour ago. Thanks for your patience! I read everyone's post about the specific rock that I posted - no one got the right answer. The answer = TUNGSTEN I believe if it is more than 24 hours and if no one got the right answer, I will proceed to post up another pix. be right back while I find another one

Here is the link for the Tungsten =
nobody knows?? I'll be gone to work and will check tonight and if no one answers by 11 pm Central, I will be happy to allow someone else to take over and do the game
Name of building?
What country?
Which City?

I did not know that someone posted same picture as before.

Do you want me change different picture?
I've never seen it before and I tried to Google to find the clue grin!

It is up to you to change the picture or unless someone give you correct clue :)

I did not know that someone posted same picture as before.

Do you want me change different picture?
Darkage. I saw this picture before. You can find other picture. I am hope not for men stuff. :giggle:
Soon, I am going to bed time. Last night, I had poor sleeping. Let me to have good rest for tonight.

Let Wokamuka wins.

You can't go to bed. I do not want to win! I challenge you to find something more different and interesting for AllDeaf.
You can't go to bed. I do not want to win! I challenge you to find something more different and interesting for AllDeaf.

If you don't want to turn and post a picture? How about me? Because Darkrage is going to bed.
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