Guess I'm Headed for .....


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2007
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JAIL!.....Received this in my email.....See the last paragraph that says: "WARNING" the bottom of this post.....Snif, snif.....So long, guys! It's been fun......guess they're gonna whip me, beat me and make me write out bad checks! :giggle: :giggle:

D.C. 20535-0001

Diplomatic Immunity Seal of Transfer

Dear Sir/Madam,

We received your email and you must take note that this is not a childish play because ,we are ready to take you to any length if you failed to proof the legitimate of the fund you are about to receive. As a Federal Commission we are here to protect your interest and the interest of all the United State citizens as well as this great Nation. You have been investigated as the beneficiary of the said funds that is why you are in touch with the FBI for a solid proof before the funds will be release to you.

The said funds is now in U.S Bank in your name which has been placed on hold under the custody of the FBI for further verification and proof before releasing the fund to you.

You do not have this document in your files, if you did the fund would not have been put on hold. We did not believe this at first, but when we saw the transfer we had no option than to contact you.

We have gone through your Identification record and also the informations received from you, we have verified a lot of things about you. It has come to the attention of our Money Trafficking investigation department, that you have some funds valued at U.S $ 10.5 Million to your name, The said payment is awaiting adjudication and crediting to you, this funds are from Inheritance 'willed ' from C.B.N Bank Nigeria precisely.

With full concern of The F.B.I and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) wish to remind you of the consequences of remitting such huge sums of money without complying fully with the provisions of the Financial and Allied Matters Decree 5 as amended in sub-section C (6) of 2003, which stipulates that any monitory transaction been done in the United States Of America, must have proper records, which duly guarantees and covers the transaction as legitimate and legally acquired and not criminally or terrorist associated funds. This is due to ongoing terrorist activities/economic crimes on and against the United States of America citizens.

Note that with the information's we have here, the fund in your name here was release from Federal Republic Of Nigeria. To this regard you are to contact the EFCC Nigeria where the fund was release from so that they will issue you the required document because they are the only people that can issue you the document. Nobody else have the right or privilege to issue you this document unless the EFCC Nigeria.

You are under an observational /Investigation in connection with money laundering. If your funds comes from a legitimate and legal source, the proper guidelines for you to recover the right of transaction is for you to provide the official monitory transaction release document so that your funds will be legally processed and recorded and accounted for and then finally released to you.

FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION (ANTI-TERRORIST AND MONEY LAUNDERING DEPARTMENT) IS HERE to wipe out terrorism, and will stop at no length in doing our duty for the American people.

You have 48 hours to produce legal proof of the below frozen wired transaction number coded: AZQV9007 owned by you. Note that you do not have any rights to receive these funds if the documented legal wire information is not complete.

With the power imposed on us as a high Federal Commission,The said funds is now in our custody in your name as the beneficiary,

The very heart of FBI operations lies in our investigations--which serve, as our mission states, 'to protect and defend the United States against terrorist and foreign intelligence threats and to enforce the criminal laws of the United States.' So follow our instructions properly to avoid any action before you. Attached a copy of my Office ID for your mutual view and understanding so that you will know exactly whom you are dealing with.

We currently have jurisdiction over violations of more than 200 categories of federal law. So you can see that we can track you down through Investigative programs. We have your address and the evidence and status of your wired funds, so we can arrest you anytime anywhere.

You don't have the required document on your possession, these document are only to be issue to you from the paying country NIGERIA, to this regards you are advice to contact the EFCC NIGERIA to obtain the document from them to enable the immediate release of the funds in your name.

We have done our verification on your FBI Identification Record with our Social Security Number, the only document left is the required Diplomatic Immunity Seal of Transfer (DIST)Which should be issue to you from the paying country of the said funds, you are to contact the ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL CRIME COMMISSION (EFCC) Nigeria to obtain the above required document, find below their contact information's:

Contact Person: Mrs Farida Waziri


Furthermore, be advice that according to the United State Law together with the FBI rules and regulations, you are to obtain the document from the EFCC NIGERIA where the fund was transfer from. Also Note that you are to take care of the Document to be issued to you right away, because due to the content of the document and how important and secured the document is, You are to take care of the document by sending to the EFCC NIGERIA the sum of $500.00 Dollars only for the issuing of the document right away and your $10.5 million will be release to you That is the only way the EFCC NIGERIA will issue you the document, because they are going to issue you the Authentic and Original copy of the document for the rel easement of your fund.

You are here by advice to Contact them through the email address above to acquire from them on how you are going to send the fee to them. Note that you are to do this immediately if you really want your fund to be credited to your personal account and also if you don't want any action to be fall before you. We have already informed the EFCC NIGERIA about the present situation, so go ahead and contact them immediately. Your fund is now on our custody and will not be release to you unless the required document is confirmed, After that the fund will be release to you immediately without any delay.

NOTE: We have asked for the above documents to make available the most complete and up-to date records possible for no criminal justice purposes.And last do not give any of information to anybody to avoid temparing with our bank server as we do not transact with any other parties representatives.

WARNING: Failure to produce the above requirement in the next 48 hours, legal action will be taken immediately by arresting and detaining you, justificated and if found guilty, you will be jailed. As terrorism, drug trafficking and money laundering is a serious problem in our community today. The F..B.I will not stop at any length in tracking down and prosecuting any criminal who indulge in this criminal act. FORWARD THE DOCUMENT TO US VIA EMAIL ATTACHEMENT AS SOON AS YOU OBTAIN IT.

Faithfully Your's

Robert S.Mueller 111
FBI Director

CC: Canadian Police Association
CC: Asia Pacific Group on Money Laundering (APG)
CC: Egmont Group
CC: European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
CC: Financial Action Task Force (FATF)
CC: International Monetary Fund (IMF)
CC: International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO)
CC: International Banking Security Association (IBSA)
CC: International Air Transport Association (IATA)
CC: Institut de Formation Interbancaire (INSIG)
CC: World Customs Organization (WCO)
CC: Inter-American Development Bank (IADB)
CC: Offshore Group of Banking Supervisors (OGBS)
Wow! Those are some very connected scammers! :P
FBI agent told me that my bank account has been stolen on AIM on my Sidekick. Yeah....riiight.
We have gone through your Identification record and also the informations received from you, we have verified a lot of things about you. It has come to the attention of our Money Trafficking investigation department, that you have some funds valued at U.S $ 10.5 Million to your name, The said payment is awaiting adjudication and crediting to you, this funds are from Inheritance 'willed ' from C.B.N Bank Nigeria precisely.

:shock: You're loaded!!!
That is terrible. FBI is not connected to Nigeria. Only in United Stated of America. No other countries. Best advice is to call or contact the real FBI about the scammers. They will investigate and put a stop to all scammers. I don't know how they could corrupt and scam people like that. This is disgusting and disgraceful. They are doing the terrorism to innocent people. Or better yet on another advice, make a copy of it and show your police station about it. They will be able to help you. I sure hope they do. :(
Dear Sir/Madam,

We received your email and you must take note that this is not a childish play because ,we are ready to take you to any length if you failed to proof the legitimate of the fund you are about to receive.

Should be "prove"

As a Federal Commission we are here to protect your interest and the interest of all the United State citizens as well as this great Nation.

United States*** and is that not the same as this great Nation??? or did that suddenly change?

We have gone through your Identification record and also the informations received from you, we have verified a lot of things about you.

singular not plural... should be the information

...huge sums of money without complying fully with the provisions of the Financial and Allied Matters Decree 5 as amended in sub-section C (6) of 2003, which stipulates that any monitory transaction been done in the United States Of America,...

Spelled Monetary....

... right of transaction is for you to provide the official monitory transaction release document so that your funds will be legally processed and recorded and accounted for and then finally released to you.

again... monetary....

With the power imposed on us as a high Federal Commission,The said funds is now in our custody in your name as the beneficiary,

noun and verb agreement.... fund is OR funds are..... pick one.


I just like how the FBI uses Yahoo....

Furthermore, be advice that according to the United State Law together with the FBI rules and regulations, you are to obtain the document from the EFCC NIGERIA where the fund was transfer from.

Ought to be advised

That is the only way the EFCC NIGERIA will issue you the document, because they are going to issue you the Authentic and Original copy of the document for the rel easement of your fund.

releasment? = not a word.... should be for your funds to be released.

You are here by advice to Contact them through the email address above to acquire from them on how you are going to send the fee to them.

...hereby AND advised...

WARNING: Failure to produce the above requirement in the next 48 hours, legal action will be taken immediately by arresting and detaining you, justificated and if found guilty,

Justificated is not a word... I'm not even sure what they were trying to say here.

The F..B.I will not stop at any length in tracking down and prosecuting any criminal who indulge in this criminal act. FORWARD THE DOCUMENT TO US VIA EMAIL ATTACHEMENT AS SOON AS YOU OBTAIN IT.

First, F..B.I they would NEVER do such a sad typo....

AND attachement is spelled attachment.

Faithfully Your's

yours not your's

that's just a few of the typos I found, I didn't want to bore you with all of them.... these were the ones I thought were a little more ridiculous than the rest...

Funny how they know so much about your banking and Internet usage, but address you as "Madam/Sir" as if your name is confusing them. Since I know your first name, I cannot fathom how that is possible.

Oh well, better confess and go to jail. Because they: "..... received your email and you must take note that this is not a childish play because ,we are ready to take you to any length if you failed to proof the legitimate of the fund you are about to receive." :shock:
that's just a few of the typos I found, I didn't want to bore you with all of them.... these were the ones I thought were a little more ridiculous than the rest...

The FBI needs writers! Yeah, even I, an unemployed machinist, can see loads of grammatical and syntax errors. The sentence structure is pathetic; the phrases are worded so poorly. Maybe I could offer my services to them, for say, the love of a 20 year old woman, and 50% of a frozen bank account worth $14.6 million? :hmm:
It's funny! I just read the responses here....took my dog outside for her business....and saw a cop car parked across the street.....gave me the willies! :eek3:

I just kept repeating...."Ain't Skeered! Ain't Skeered"! :giggle:

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