Grrr at those Fire Ants!

never been bit by a fireant ... or seen one...
I grew up in Texas... Oh yeah those are nasty buggers....I did remmy there was some kind of meds to put on those ant would go away. I will have to ask mom, I don't live in Tx anymore but soon moving back to those buggers....
They not only exist in the soutern states, sometime it comes to canada. I had been almost bit by a couple since iwas growing up. It probably from transporting stuff from state to canada and fireant are in that stuff. But I do remember seeing one when i was younger and i showed my mom and dad cuz i never seen red ant before, they freak and smack it off, i was like huh why u do that, they said that the ybite.. red ants tend to bite. SO afterthat i watch out for fireant and i have seen a couple in my lifetime.
I have been bitten by fire ants since I was born in Georgia and been travel back forth from Tennessee to Georgia and few other states.
Reba said:
I love to find a huge fire ant mound and poke a stick into it. Man, those things swarm! It is very interesting to watch.

I've seen that too! :)
I have seen fire ants but never gotten bitten. I was traveling to Texas with my exb and son. We were visiting a friend and she got bitten and I ran away from it. Whewwwww thanks goodness!!! :D
Yeah, those damn things are a fact of life down here. And they swarm looking for food before it rains or before a hurricane hits. Before Katrina and Rita they were all over my carport and coming into the house. And they love garbage cans. gotta be careful when you set the cans out for pickup, or when you bring them back from the street.

My personal worst experience was when I was younger. I was wrestling in the back yard with a friend. We rolled onto an anthill and got covered. In our shirts, in our pants, socks, shoes...bleh. THAT was a painful experience.
Plenty of them in our backyard. As long as they stay away from my house and grass, they are safe from us otherwise I will posion them as I have with carpetners ants ( hate them more than fireants). Been bit by them many time. Yes painful, I perfer to work yard in the middle of day instead of early am or evening, they come out alive and busy. they hid in cool place during hot day in the summer and during the winter I don't get to see them much. It is quiet now, they are zzzzzzzzzzz.
darkangel8603 said:
... But I do remember seeing one when i was younger and i showed my mom and dad cuz i never seen red ant before, they freak and smack it off, i was like huh why u do that, they said that the ybite.. red ants tend to bite. ..
Fire ants are not red ants. They are small black ants.
Fire ants are usually more easily identified by their mounds than by their bodies. The huge above-ground dirt mounds that they make are easy to identify. The ants themselves are very tiny.
Reba said:
Fire ants are not red ants. They are small black ants.

I thought they were black and red? There were so many of fire ant mounds where we were at, that's why there were so many of those fire ants. We had to put card boards on the grass to avoid getting stung by them. but sometimes it helps sometimes it doesn't. they would climb over the card boards. Those little grrrr...
DarrenD said:
Not quite...look here. My skin crawls just looking at pictures...
They sure look different in a close up picture! When they are swarming in the yard they look dark brown/black. I never want to get THAT close to really see their little features and colors. :D

The bites are very bad. I know some people have awful permanent scars from them.

The worse thing is when they get into your clothes. They just keep biting and biting, and they burrow deeper into your clothes. Hubby was out in the country woods one day and got into some ants. All he could do was strip his clothes off until he got them all out.

The most I ever had to strip off was my shoes and socks. Ooooo, they really love to get into socks!
My mom had a friend who was attacked by fire ants. She was laying in her back yard. The ants crawled up the chair and on her legs. There were hundreds of them on her leg before they started biting. After they bit, her whole leg started "burning". She immediately jumped in her swimming pool to get them off and then went to the hospital with a half-paralyzed leg. Ouch!
When I lived in Montgomery, Al (in the central part) I was walking on the grass barefoot and stood at the spot chatting with friends.. I started to feel something biting me, surely it was fire ants. OH gosh.. they burn as hell! then a couple of hours later, it started to itch of course with blisters. I hated those little creatures! BUT I'm still scared of bees than fireants.. lol
I'm not going to go off-topic, but be happy they weren't huge or attacking by the millions! ;)

Check my other thread...

Ant Movies
Interesting thread here because I never heard about fire ants before.

We have kind of ants here in Europe but not fire ants. This thread here got me *goose pump*

We have wood ants and carpentar ants built their nests at our garden... :ugh: My hubby was biten by wood ants OR carpentar ants often when he work at our garden. That's why he took his work clothes off in the garage and then go in house to have a shower. (not nude but only box shorter) :giggle:

We feed ants with baking powder, icing sugar or soda powder because they likes it. They bring powders to feed their families then they won't come back. They are dead. We used baking powder more than icing sugar or soda powder alot. If big nest - icing sugar. It works well at once and one year later then they built nest again then feed them again. It doesnt work if you kill them without powders or poison because you will see them everyday. It's suck to see them everyday... See them once is better than everday.

Funny, I had feeling it's ants when I saw from kitchen window that Alan sat and watch on the path. (I know he loves to collect spiders, ants, worms, etc. :ugh: ) I went to him but Alan said "Shh Shhh" and look at ants. We saw carpenter ants carried piece leaves and woods - (ants worker). Alan told us to leave them alone... :ugh: My hubby told him that he saw ladybirds. Alan followed him to and leave me and ants alone so I feed ants with baking powder quickly without Alan see us. Alan loves to experiment kind of insects, spiders, etc. :ugh: He collect insects, spiders in a glass jar... :aw: I told him to not bring jar in the house but stay outside.
Yeah, I've been bitten by those fire ants too....I didn't even think something so small would bite that hard and leave a mark on your foot and legs, that looks like pimples....I don't miss those little red ants at all :squint: