

New Member
Mar 18, 2015
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My name is Stefanie. I am hearing, but I have been learning ASL for a year now. I have wanted to feel like I can make a difference in someones life. Just yesterday, I met a young guy who was deaf and he Inspired me to take the leap into reaching out. The way he looked at me when he saw me signing was a wonderful feeling because I saw so.done who did t think he was alone. He had someone to understand him.
I have been attending college courses so 's I graduated high school in 2012. Before I met him, I said that I wanted to major in family therapy for the hearing impaired. Now I feel like it has been a great choice be sure I saw what kind of a difference I made in one guys life, and I want to do it for everyone that I can help.
So please, I want to be a friend. I want to let people who can't hear me know that I don't care and that they are still perfect the way they are, if not more. Don't be shy or feel like my hearing will set us apart. I will listen and be a great friend to you.
The first thing you should know is that a lot of people here do not like being called "hearing impaired" . It imply that they're broken in some way. I personally do not care but there are people that do.
I apologize to anyone that I have offended. I do know that some people take offense by being called deaf. I don't see anyone as broken, only human. I apologize for any misunderstanding. I am new to talking to deaf people. I take great inspiration in them though. So are you deaf or hearing?
Would you like to text? I can give you my number. Or if there is a way to personal message here, that would be great!
Big hello.
Learn more sign, sign more sign, plenty of us deafie guys love hearie chicks to sign too.
Toss a hug too, start with drinking signs, fun signs, dancing signs....go get em girl....

I'm sure you have a good heart and mean well but just be careful to avoid the savior complex or overdoing the helper attitude.

"Hearing impaired" is the politically correct term from the medical perspective, promoted mostly by public education and social services, or used by hearing people who are afraid to offend.
Hello and welcome!!

I know many deaf people who would bristle at being called "hearing impaired". It's really just personal preference.

Anyhoo, hope you enjoy your stay! ^.^
To Reba: I am not aiming for the savior complex as you call it. I am only wanting to befriend people and being deaf has always fascinated me. Like I said, I met a guy this week that I wish I had gotten his number. I want to learn and enjoy a friendship that no one has. I don't care if someone is deaf or hearing. Everyone needs a friend. And I want to learn from this friendship as well. Friends teach friends and back each other up in everything.
Try to slow and just hang out here stop with the savior complex like Reba said. Reba gave you very good advice and I agree with her.
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why the hostility?all stefanie has Done is offer her friendship to those who would like her as a friend. im usualy the asshole granted, but she is sencere, and is just coming from the hearie world with the associated culture. less knee jerk deafie Asshole reaction and more deafie welcoming i think is in order here. She loves sign which is our language, and a deep root of our culture. That needs to be nurtured rather then pushed away. The more hearie learn our sign, the better prospect for our language and culture to survive the hearie determination to rid the world of people like us, as in the deaf. the more hearie learn our signs the better period. its always refreshing to find someone who really likes our language compared to the hostility and contempt most the hearie world holds for us.
She doesnt strike me as wanting to save anybody or having a conplex, shes just a sweet girl wanting sencere friendship. From those who who wish it.
Stick around girl...
You are welcome here
why the hostility?all stefanie has Done is offer her friendship to those who would like her as a friend. im usualy the asshole granted, but she is sencere, and is just coming from the hearie world with the associated culture. less knee jerk deafie Asshole reaction and more deafie welcoming i think is in order here. She loves sign which is our language, and a deep root of our culture. That needs to be nurtured rather then pushed away. The more hearie learn our sign, the better prospect for our language and culture to survive the hearie determination to rid the world of people like us, as in the deaf. the more hearie learn our signs the better period. its always refreshing to find someone who really likes our language compared to the hostility and contempt most the hearie world holds for us.
She doesnt strike me as wanting to save anybody or having a conplex, shes just a sweet girl wanting sencere friendship. From those who who wish it.
Stick around girl...
You are welcome here
No hostility in my post. Just giving her a heads up so she will be more able to make entry into the deaf community with as little hindering offense as possible. :)
why the hostility?all stefanie has Done is offer her friendship to those who would like her as a friend. im usualy the asshole granted, but she is sencere, and is just coming from the hearie world with the associated culture. less knee jerk deafie Asshole reaction and more deafie welcoming i think is in order here. She loves sign which is our language, and a deep root of our culture. That needs to be nurtured rather then pushed away. The more hearie learn our sign, the better prospect for our language and culture to survive the hearie determination to rid the world of people like us, as in the deaf. the more hearie learn our signs the better period. its always refreshing to find someone who really likes our language compared to the hostility and contempt most the hearie world holds for us.
She doesnt strike me as wanting to save anybody or having a conplex, shes just a sweet girl wanting sencere friendship. From those who who wish it.
Stick around girl...
You are welcome here

It is the way she made that comments about wanting to be friends and the way she sounds like she want to save the d/Deaf and Hard of Hearing hoping that we would be like the hearing people. The hearing people can not fix or try to change them to be like them. You have to read the lines carefully what any hearies make comments.

Not only that many hearing people who come here are sooooo excited about meeting deaf or hard of hearing that they can fix one of us or us to be like them. I would rather keep my distance from them being so excited about us. If they are not excited or eager, then that is fine.