Greetings from CA :)!


Mar 4, 2015
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I'm bilateral and profound in both ears since 11 months, I'm currently the only deaf kid in my school which has been that way, well, forever. I'm currently sixteen now, just wanted to say Hi and possible make some deaf friends. :)
:welcome: to alldeaf!

Have you heard about California School for the Deaf in Fremont?
Yes I have, I have toured the place a couple times, socially I would benefit a ton, but hardly seeing my family and living at the dorms there, my parents dislike the idea.
Actually I am currently work as Assistant Baseball Coach for High School boys at that school, I know some of boys live 2-3 hours away from Fremont and they love that school.

You will love CSD!
I figured I get this kind of hate! :)
I am doing a lot more deaf related activities this summer, but I always feel that regret not transitioning to Fremont, rather than an all hearing school...
Since I grew up in the hearing community, I lack the signing and with college applications closing in it's too late to to transits to CSD...
I figured I get this kind of hate! :)
I am doing a lot more deaf related activities this summer, but I always feel that regret not transitioning to Fremont, rather than an all hearing school...

No hate here.
That is your personal choice.

I often go cycling to the top of Mt Diablo, have you?
Yes I have, I have toured the place a couple times, socially I would benefit a ton, but with family and living at the dorms there, my parents dislike the idea.

That sucks.... What about Deaf camp? That can be a really good addition for mainstreamed kids. It's too bad your parents are resistant to you dorming it.....Many of us know what it's like to be'll find a lot of common experiances here!

I'm more of a runner... And MT. Diablo is right outside of my house basically. :)

I applied for this camp called LOFT, for deaf teens where kids all over the nation go to D.C (this year) and share experience an do whatever.

I am also looking into camps with more signing based communication rather than verbal.
Since I grew up in the hearing community, I lack the signing and with college applications closing in it's too late to to transits to CSD...

Oh you're oral? Don't let that stop's not that unusual for oral kids to learn ASL as teens. Gally even has a summer camp program for HOH kids to learn ASL.... Actually, if I were you I'd put in an application to Gally, NTID and CSUN........that would be amazing!
I sign, but problem is I have no one to sign with so I get a lil rusty.

Even though I'm oral, it's not exactly a great thing sometimes...

I applied for this camp called LOFT, for deaf teens where kids all over the nation go to D.C (this year) and share experience an do whatever.

I am also looking into camps with more signing based communication rather than verbal.

Oh the AG Bell one? And YAY! Most Deaf summer camps are very HOH/oral friendly... As a matter of fact, most kids who Sign also get a very hefty dose of speech, so they're very verbally skilled. Meaning you wouldn't be in a sea of kids who are "voice off" unaided, unimplanted with no verbal's not that unusual for oral kids to attend Deaf stuff and learn ASL and discover their Deaf side.
I sign, but problem is I have no one to sign with so I get a lil rusty.

Even though I'm oral, it's not exactly a great thing sometimes...

LOL.....OK that makes sense! So you're basicly " you sign and speak" In other words you're not a total newbie!
Check out the California Schools summer programs, Camp Iso Bella, (out of American School for the Deaf) Aspen Camp School, the Gally and NTID summer programs, the Lions camps, and there are also Christian Deaf camps....... Too bad you're not in Houston TX....I have a teen friend who is struggling socially too.
I sign, but problem is I have no one to sign with so I get a lil rusty.

Even though I'm oral, it's not exactly a great thing sometimes...

LOL.... I hear you. Sidney (friend from Texas) and I were saying we kinda envy the kids who don't have to endure speech therapy......
Ah, yes, twice a week, endless hell... Sorry to hear you're struggling socially! I hope things become better for the both of us.

Deafdyke, thank you for all the camps but I don't have that much free time over the summer :)!!!
I sign, but problem is I have no one to sign with so I get a lil rusty.

Even though I'm oral, it's not exactly a great thing sometimes...

May I recommend looking up on Facebook or similiar, for ASL meetups in your area or close-by? There's bound to be ASL students or an understanding Deaf person that you can practice your signing with.

Wishing you the best of luck! :)