Green Tea!!!!!

I never tried green tea standalone but I do like drinking Energy green tea, Arizona green tea with honey, Sobe green tea with honey and ginseng, and lastly, Arizona green tea with ginseng and asian plum juice. Arizona green tea with honey is my favorite. I wouldn't mind trying different of green tea ones.
Green Tea? OOOOO I love it so much than regular tea or so! So Yummy! I always drink alot.. It's so good I can't help to explain that it tastes so much than regular tea! So Yummy! I luv it !
Yeah I love green tea with a hint of lemon and sugar to give it a bit of tarty taste. :)
That's nice to sharing. :) I like to add honey or lemon in green tea too. :)
same here! Yummy! And you forget 2 more. Green Tea with raspberry and Blueberry

Interesting, I haven't see raspberry and blueberry with green tea around here in Germany. I will check either they have one or not.