But the point of the video would be that everyone would be watching her for entertainment purposes, not to be her friend or their to support her. all of those kids will be making fun of her and posting that on the internet (hypothetically if the video were real). Most teenage girls and teenagers in general can't stand the thought of themselves being filmed without their knowledge via a camera phone and their demise posted all over the internet for everyone to make fun of.
The other point is the huddle looks like a fight between two girls, then the camera gets down there and you realize it's a girl giving birth on the playground. It's also saying that teen pregnancy isn't what you expect. All of these girls think that raising a baby while they are just children themselves will be peaches and cream, and it's the exact opposite.
I'm telling you if my DD came up pregnant, I would support her but at the same time she'll have to shoulder her responsibility for it. Which means, she'll have to turn down her social life and she'll have to place her child's needs above her own desires. Meaning, if she wants to go to the game - she'll have to take the baby with her and tend to it while there, or she'll have to stay home. It's a decision she'll have to make. All on top of having to keep her grades up in order to graduate.
Too many parents are having their daughters come up pregnant, and they end up taking care of the baby while their teen gets to go on with their teenage life with very little repercussions and I don't think anyone really learns a lesson there.