
I'm really sorry, DarkAngel. Your family is in my thoughts.
just an update.,, my grandma is still alive, but not for long.. my mom says it could be anytime soon. I am not looking forward to that.
darkangel8603 said:
just an update.,, my grandma is still alive, but not for long.. my mom says it could be anytime soon. I am not looking forward to that.

Wow.. your grandma has been in the hospice for about one week.. still alive,,, usually any patient in hospice stays in there for 3-4 days... one of my dear friends stayed in the hospice for three days .. in my own eyes she passed away happily... she kept saying she saw angel... i saw glow in her is miracle glow ... she was soo beautiful with this glow in her face...

Maybe you will see the glow in her face... I do hope so... the glow in the face was beautiful and peaceful
Still pray for her...
i am very sowwy to hear that.. i pray for ur grandma.. i know it hard on u for accpet it.. but remmy she always be in ur heart smiles
DarkAngel, I know this has to be such a tough time for you right now, seeing your grandmother this way. I pray she isn't suffering. Hospice people are so wonderful, and they will make sure Grandma is comfortable and not suffering. I will pray for Grandma, you and your family, to be able to face this sadness with bravery and courage, and knowing that Grandma loved you all so much. God bless your grandmother, your family and yourself, that the days to come will be days of comfort and support. :hug: :hug:
So sorry to hear, just one thing ya gotta remember. Remember her for who she was and not how she is now..She's in a better place and pain free and very happy and waiting for each and everyone one of you she's left behind. God Bless You And Your Family

darkangel8603 said:
my gramma just passed away..
Sorry about that. But remmy this she do loves you and everyone that she leaves behind. I am sure she will be watching over you and all the ppl that she cares. :hug:
darkangel8603 said:
my gramma just passed away..
oh man! i am very sowwy abt that.. i am sure she watch over u while she is in heaven.. she always in ur heart.. smiles.. :hug:

I am sorry about your gramma's passed. :(
darkangel8603 said:
my gramma just passed away..

I am very sorry about your grandma. My grandma passed away last march. I understand that my grandma had to go because she was so old lady.
thank you.. i will really miss her, at first i had a hard time accepting it, but my mom said its ok to cry, and i started crying..
darkangel8603 said:
thank you.. i will really miss her, at first i had a hard time accepting it, but my mom said its ok to cry, and i started crying..

Crying is good, DA. It's hard. It hurts, but it'll help you heal.

:hug: Hang in there.

Shoot me a PM if you need to. :)
Hi Darkangel, I am sorry to hear that your grandmother passed away and I did pray for you to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with your grandmother. May God Bless you during this very hard time and God give you comfort and the strength to go on with life and have your grandmother always in your heart and your mind and more importantly for you to have Jesus Christ in your heart and life. :angel:
May You Find Comfort In Knowing That Others Share Your Sorrow. Thinking Of You And Your Family
I really understand how you feel. I only understand to well. Its a very tough lose I know. You did get a little bit of warning. But me I lost mine back in Feb. '03. She's was 62 and unexpected death. I was so ready not to lose her. We had more of a relationship then all us grandkids. I always went and seen her 1 week at least because she lived 24 miles from me. But that night she died. I never got to see here in the hospital until she already passed away. And I cried non-stop for hours for days for weeks. Took me at least 3 months before I finally accepted her death. Now-a-days I look at it like shes gone away on a trip and waiting for all of us to see her again one day. Yes I do still miss her every single day. But I know in my heart and believe I will be reunited one day with her and the after-life I know will be so much better. So hang in there. I know its hard. But it will get better I promise ya that. :angel:

darkangel8603 said:
thank you.. i will really miss her, at first i had a hard time accepting it, but my mom said its ok to cry, and i started crying..
I'm sorry to hear about your grandma, Darkangel. My condolences to you and your family, and remember the good times ya had with your grandma.