Achulophobia- fear of darkness (cuz of night blindness)
Acrophobia- fear of height (its complicated, I'm not scared but when I'm up high I get woozy and lightheaded)
Aeroacrophobia- fear of open high place (like top of tower building, of course I'll be scared if I'd fall off cuz no wall lol)
Anginophobia- fear of angina, choking or narrowness (mine's only on choking part I can't put candy in mouth to suck like small jawbreaker without holding it with fingers)
Anthropophobia- fear of people or society (I'm scared to answer door to completely stranger)
Aphenphosmphobia- fear of being touched (oh yeah, I hate being touched by anyone except my friend jessica k., susan and jessie and my fiance jason I don't even drink if someone even my own family touched my cup even to move it lol)
Apiphobia- fear of bee
Arachnophobia- fear of spiders (yuck!)
Arsonphobia- fear of fire (like gas stove, outside griller eek but bonfire/campfire I'm fine with that one only)
Astraphobia- fear of thunder and lightning (only lightning I'm scared of)
Atychiphobia- fear of failure
Bathmophobia- fear of stairs or steep slopes (only steep slopes I'm scared to walk down steep slopes)
Cardiophobia- fear of the heart (cuz I have heart murmur I get scared if it feel weird or snything different from normal)
Claustrophobia- fear of confined space (I don't get scared just causes me have anxiety attack like feel like I can't breath)
Cleithrophobia- fear of being locked in enclosed place (duh)
Demophobia- fear of crowds (only if I'm in very crowded place I feel like I can't breath and I feel lightheaded and dizzy)
Dipsophobia- fear of drinking (I don't know why but I'm afraid to find out what's my behavior's like if I drink alcohol or do something I'll regret next day)
Dishabiliophobia- fear of undressing front of someone (yes to everyone except my fiance jason)
Entomophobia-fear of insects (even ladybugs lol)
Gymnophobia- fear of nudity (even if I'm home alone I'm super uncomfortable being nude)
Merinthophobia- fear of being bound or tied up (yeah cuz I'd feel like I can't control what will happen like what if someone'll tickle and I can't move lol)
Necrophobia- fear of death or dead things (yeah I didn't know I was till I was at my cousin's funeral when coffin came in room I suddenly got panic attack had to go farthest seat back of building (huge funeral cuz he died at war)
Nucleomituphobia- fear of nuclear weapon (duh!)
Ophidiophobia- fear of snakes (only wild snakes)
Pharmacophobia- fear of taking medicines or drugs (only new medicines I never took before and other illegal drugs of course I'm afraid of it)
Selachophobia- fear of sharks (duh)
Spheksophobia- fear of wasp
Teniophobia- fear of tapeworm (they're so creepy)
Thalassophobia- fear of sea (dunno why I'm scared of ocean, but I'm working on overcoming that)
I'm sure there's more that isn't listed in the phobia list that I'm afraid of lol.
Like fear of hot men

(I'm shy so)