GOP is dead

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Mar 12, 2003
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While looney Republicans are fond to use polls to show that Obama's not doing a good job and gets all excited over the "disapproval" rating... they forget this important fact:

"But the president's problems pale in comparison to those of his political opponents. Only 20% of Americans call themselves Republicans -- the lowest in 26 years. Only 19% trust Republicans in Congress to make the right decisions for the country's future -- compared to 49% trust in Obama."

New Poll: Public Option Up ? GOP Down - George's Bottom Line

Damage is done. :)
Ding-Dong! The Witch Is Dead!

Here come the flying monkeys! :laugh2:
Quick! Someone throw some dirt on the GOP! They keep climbing back out of the hole!

is it deep enough????
Nothing good about this news. Just shows that people are tired of the bitching and lack of new jobs. Both parties are bringing each other down. Negativity breeds negativity.
Nothing good about this news. Just shows that people are tired of the bitching and lack of new jobs. Both parties are bringing each other down. Negativity breeds negativity.

:gpost: That's right. The sniping is getting irritating to see.
I remember the Richmond Times Dispatch editorial section saying the same thing about Democrats and liberals 20 years ago. I think it's the Republicans' turn to wander in the wilderness.

I'm with saywhatkid on the negativity. I've never really considered myself a optimistic person but a certain conservative poster (he comes across as more fascist than conservative to me) makes me look pollyannish. The bitterness and negativity is a turn off to me.

As for the Republican party, it can only survive if it adapts to the changing times. Sam Tanehaus has declared that Conservatism is dead in the New Republic. While I agree with much of what he has said, I don't think Conservatism is dead but that it is in flux now.
Nothing good about this news. Just shows that people are tired of the bitching and lack of new jobs. Both parties are bringing each other down. Negativity breeds negativity.

As Ralph Nader said, "The only difference between the two major parties is how quickly their knees hit the floor when big business comes knocking at the door."

Nader can be a loony, but in this case he is 100% correct. Some people still think the democrats have their best interest in mind while most people have wised up to the republicans.

I still have faith in Obama.
another reason why GOP (RNC) continues to erode away.....

RNC keeps racist pics on Facebook for nearly a week
Perhaps no one noticed. Perhaps no one cared. But hours after a liberal news forum brought attention to a series of days old controversial photos on the Republican National Committee's Facebook page, the photos were finally taken down.

Among them was a picture of President Barack Obama eating fried chicken, subtitled with a call to prohibit interracial marriage. The photo's caption read: "Miscegenation is a CRIME against American Values. Repeal Loving v. Virginia."

Miscegenation refers to the "marriage or cohabitation between a man and woman of different races." Loving v. Virginia was a landmark Supreme Court case that, in 1967, struck down all of the US's laws against interracial marriage.

This is the photo as it appeared on the GOP's Facebook profile on Monday:


Members of the liberal news forum Democratic Underground launched a discussion about the photos on Sunday night.

"That's blatant f---ing racism, against Facebook rules and basic human decency," one upset commenter stated.

Another commenter noted the Obama photo had been on the RNC Facebook page since October 20. "So it has been up five days and not one person administering the site did anything about it. Apparently the site administrator finds this correctly sums up Republican philosophy."

The photo was posted by a Facebook user named "Gee Dub," apparently in reference to President George W. Bush. A comment by someone using the same user name, posted to the comments section of the RNC's photo page, stated:

"Racism is necessary in our capitalistic system. To subject ourselves to the the socialist ideal of equality will surely destroy the American way of life. As a black man, racism has served as a great inspiration for me to work harder. God bless the Republican Party and God bless America."

It was impossible to tell whether the writer was being sincere, or acting as a "troll" pretending to be a black man in favor of racism.

Other photos causing consternation included one of Mother Teresa, in which the revered religious activist was shown feeding a child. The caption underneath read, "Enabling scab-eating mouth breathers will do them no good. How do we expect them to take care of themselves?" That photo, also posted by Gee Dub, was also removed.

Yet another photo showed former presidential candidate John Kerry with what at first sight appears to be a rifle pointed at his head. The picture was framed in such a way that a gun several feet away from Kerry was made to look like it was aimed at his temple. That photo was removed as well.

None of the photos in question appear to have been posted by the administrator of the GOP's Facebook site.

The anti-interracial marriage photo comes on the heels of a recent controversy over a Louisiana justice of the peace who refused to issue a marriage license to an interracial couple, sparking outrage among social-justice activists and minority groups.

While most Republicans were quick to distance themselves from the justice's sentiments, at least one high-profile Republican politician -- Sen. David Vitter of Louisiana -- has been criticized for failing to condemn the justice's actions.

The Obama photo was posted to the GOP's Facebook page less than a week after the Louisiana justice's controversial move was made public.

They just keep sinking lower and lower.:roll:
GOP Brand Has Declined Since Obama Took Office, According To New Polling Data
Despite spending the last 9 months battering the president's agenda, the Republican Party has neither gained any traction with voters nor has it appreciably damaged the Democratic brand.

A Democratic source noted, on Monday morning, that the aggregate polling data for how voters list their party affiliations has remained remarkably steady since the Obama administration took office. If anything, the GOP's appeal has worsened.

In late January, a USA Today/Gallup poll recorded 27 percent of respondents saying they identified with the Republican Party, 36 percent with Democrats and 25 percent as unaffiliated or independent. Now in mid-October, the average data compiled from dozens of surveys over more than a year shows Republican ID at 22.5 percent, Democratic ID at 33.7 percent and Independent ID at 35 percent.

Considering how much political capital Republicans have put into depicting the president and his agenda as anathema to basic American values, the numbers seem surprising and noteworthy.

The highest identification ranking for Republicans came in a February 2009 Rasmussen poll, where 34 percent of respondents listed themselves as party members. That was far and away the outlier. Since August there have been 18 public opinion polls conducted which have measured party identification. Of those, just one showed more than 30 percent of the public affiliating itself with the GOP. Twice, Republican self-affiliation was below 20 percent. By contrast, ever single poll during that time period has had Democratic Party ID above 30 percent, with a high of 38 percent in the month of August.

The results should come at some relief to those Democrats who are despondently self-assured of massive losses in the 2010 election (though, to be sure, national polls aren't always predictive of individual contests). There may be a large pool of independent or undecided voters waiting to be swayed in one party direction or another. But they aren't trending Republican. If anything, they are staying away.


why am I not surprised? Thanks to Obama. America has opened its eyes!!! it's time for CHANGE! no more fear-mongering us into blindly obeying them. no more greed scheme behind our backs.


*it's a pix of GOP mascot - an elephant being upside down as representation of "dead GOP"
It's not because of a shift in political philosophy. It's because the GOP establishment is clueless. Conservatives and libertarians aren't in the mood to align themselves with that.

Speaking of no more fearmongering, I don't believe that for a second.

Everyone in this room knows what will hapen if we do nothing. Our deficit will grow, more families will go bankrupt, more businesses will close, more Americans will lose their coverage when they're sick and need it the most and more will die as a result.

Translation: Pass Obamacare or people will diiiiiiiiiiiiiiie!!!!!

On the stimulus:

Because each day we wait to begin the work of turning our economy around, more people lose their jobs, their savings and their homes. And if nothing is done, this recession might linger for years. Our economy will lose 5 million more jobs. Unemployment will approach double digits. Our nation will sink deeper into a crisis that, at some point, we may not be able to reverse.

Translation: We have to pass this massive boondoggle now NOW NOOOOOOOW!!! If we don't, it'll be economic catastrophe from which we may never be able to escape! (Even though the vast majority of the money won't be spent until 2010, 2011, and 2012)
Speaking of no more fearmongering, I don't believe that for a second.

Translation: Pass Obamacare or people will diiiiiiiiiiiiiiie!!!!!

Are you really that naive?

"Uninsured children who wind up in the hospital are much more likely to die than children covered by either private or government insurance plans, according to one of the first studies to assess the impact of insurance coverage on hospitalized children."

Hospitalized Children Without Insurance Are More Likely to Die, a Study Finds - Prescriptions Blog -

Of course, if you don't have insurance, you're more likely to die.
Are you really that naive?

"Uninsured children who wind up in the hospital are much more likely to die than children covered by either private or government insurance plans, according to one of the first studies to assess the impact of insurance coverage on hospitalized children."

Hospitalized Children Without Insurance Are More Likely to Die, a Study Finds - Prescriptions Blog -

Of course, if you don't have insurance, you're more likely to die.
So now you're for fear-mongering? After all, a lot of people die from terrorism too, so what's with all the talk about Bush being a fearmonger?

By the way, with Medicaid and SCHIP, there's not a whole lot of reason any given child should go uncovered. Also, it does not follow that Obamacare is the only way or the best way to increase health coverage. I would argue that it's not even a good way.
It's not because of a shift in political philosophy. It's because the GOP establishment is clueless. Conservatives and libertarians aren't in the mood to align themselves with that.

Speaking of no more fearmongering, I don't believe that for a second.

Translation: Pass Obamacare or people will diiiiiiiiiiiiiiie!!!!!

On the stimulus:

Translation: We have to pass this massive boondoggle now NOW NOOOOOOOW!!! If we don't, it'll be economic catastrophe from which we may never be able to escape! (Even though the vast majority of the money won't be spent until 2010, 2011, and 2012)

If passed, Obamacare won't kick in until 2013. If it were that urgent it'd be done immediately to prevent anymore needless deaths.

As for the stimulus, about 15 to 20% of the stimulus package has been spent already since March. That was 8 months ago. And it's the equivalent of spending $65 bucks per month for each American citizin in the U.S. No wonder the stimulus isn't working. They're trying to save the rest of it for an election year 2010 which is quite hysterical how they say it was such a dire emergency that the bill needed to be passed immediately (without reading it and locking out Republican Senators in the process to negotiate). If it was such a financial emergency why the long draw over a period of 4 years?

People are such dupes around here.
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