Goood news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jillio finally replied! She is doing fine.

She took some time off for herself because getting sick like that was a wake up call for her. She hasnt been able to get her energy back since then.

She went away for a while (out of state from Ohio) to take a breather.

She will be back on AD when she is ready.

WHEW!!!!! I am soooo releived that she is ok!!!!

Whew, I am so relieved and happy!!!
Yay! I got an email from her today also! Just checked it a few minutes ago and saw it! My heart did a flip! Good to hear that she is fine!

She will come back to AD when she is ready...she basically told me the same thing she told Shel.

Just relieved that she is ok.

Now I am gonna kick her backside for letting us worry like that!!! :P
Babyblue and Shel90, that's great news to hear that Jillio is okay. I agree, best she takes care of herself and get her energy level back. She will be back on AD when she feels ready to do so.
That is great news indeed.

At least we can leave her alone until she returns. :)
I'm glad that Jillio is alive and well, and that she got her email account fixed. :)
YAY!! That is AMAZING news!! I suppose being so ill like that must have been hard on here and made her think about life in a different way :)
Good to know Jillio is alright now... now best to have her get her time to recharge and more .. then she can waddle back into AD for sure... lol at least it is good news she is alright...
Jillio finally replied! She is doing fine.

She took some time off for herself because getting sick like that was a wake up call for her. She hasnt been able to get her energy back since then.

She went away for a while (out of state from Ohio) to take a breather.

She will be back on AD when she is ready.

WHEW!!!!! I am soooo releived that she is ok!!!!

I'm glad Jill's fine and she is taking care of herself.
Good to know Jillio is alright now... now best to have her get her time to recharge and more .. then she can waddle back into AD for sure... lol at least it is good news she is alright...

Waddle??? From all that Ben and Jerry's ice creams???
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Oh yay yay!! :dance2: thank you thank you :D

I'm so delightful ^_____^
Am delighted to hear she's fine, and doing something to ensure she stays well. Looking forward to when she's back and using her wit against others. :)
Oh, good! Glad to know that she's all right. :)