Google Glass


Seattle Bar Bans Google Glasses; Nerds Flip Out - Stunts - Eater National

This reminds me of an episode of Futurama where everyone got the EyePhone. ;)
I forget about installed ear too. :laugh2:

Have you wonder how they charge electric to eyePhone? Maybe required to have sex to charge? lol

It would be terrible for other people who don't have anyone but hire the prostitution. Very expensive bills to pay. lol
its gona change the WHOLE way of society...kinda of 'nice' as to appear as a fantastic sel-entertaining, but the part i dread its gonna be even more 'private' and more 'surreal' as society...i havent got time to type, but all i can creeps me out, the porn, perving side, the whole society as a a way what characterise its movement, its orderance, its customs, and its configurations. Think of it, as 20th century western society was charaterised by cars, supermarket and how people lives are shaped by these, next time its eye-phones, is gonna shape the whole way of living all over...people will be WALKING, hopping on speedy buses, and NOT TALKING TO ANYONE BUT exchanging datas while 'shopping' just imagine that...'looks peaceful' but very inhuman...that's what i mean by creepy...its robbing (while marketers and the manufacterers and owners of powers in the world says it offers everything and 'more') but the 'more' is ultimately the robbers of human sense of ourselves...
Have you wonder how they charge electric to eyePhone? Maybe required to have sex to charge? lol

It would be terrible for other people who don't have anyone but hire the prostitution. Very expensive bills to pay. lol

Remember EyePhone from year 3000. Maybe it don't need battery anymore. Power by blood vessels or human heat. Who knows.