Google Glass aims to help Deaf people

Unfortunately, Google Glass would mis-readm when someone say "How about six" and the translate said "How about sex?"
According to the link:

"...In request it is given an example of a person who wears the Google Glasses and is crossing the street or the intersection. If the driver of a coming car utters sounds to alert pedestrians, the microphones will trigger an audible signal to indicate where the noise is coming from and how far is the car…."

I don't know what kind of sounds a driver would utter to alert pedestrians ("Get the blank-blank out of my way!") but most people would use the horn.

In that scenario, I think "look both ways before crossing" would be a better alternative.
Unfortunately, Google Glass would mis-readm when someone say "How about six" and the translate said "How about sex?"
Like those wonderful automatic captions on youtube. :giggle:
Interesting article but there's a new article about Google Glasses:
Google Glass: Not for the Hearing Impaired

I'm not sure if I agree with all what Lisa the reporter had to say. She seemed to never heard of VRS services as she said she had to use her hearing husband to contact Google. I don't know what the deal is with that. Also not every deaf person wears a hearing aid or cochlear implant so I felt she was misleading readers with that statement. She should have made that clear.
As I had stated in other posts, CC was always a good candidate for this device. I'm all for it.
Interesting article but there's a new article about Google Glasses:
Google Glass: Not for the Hearing Impaired

I'm not sure if I agree with all what Lisa the reporter had to say. She seemed to never heard of VRS services as she said she had to use her hearing husband to contact Google. I don't know what the deal is with that. Also not every deaf person wears a hearing aid or cochlear implant so I felt she was misleading readers with that statement. She should have made that clear.

She should have just got them and tried them out, then she would know.
Using Google Glass for the Deaf

Here at CSD, we have been experimenting with using Google Glass to deliver a new communications platform for video interpreting. Watch this video to see how we have been using Google Glass to provide interpreting services, and what some of the lessons we learned and are working to overcome so we can bring Video Interpreting through Google Glass to you!
