Goodbye Forever!

I miss El Pollo Loco...but will be near them soon...I had forgotten about them.
Yo quiero Taco Bell....

Actually, I miss real Mex food. My all-time favorite was the enchiladas. :bowdown:

Chevy's ain't that bad. :dunno2:

Damn, all of a sudden I'm starving.
Yo quiero Taco Bell....

Actually, I miss real Mex food. My all-time favorite was the enchiladas. :bowdown:

Chevy's ain't that bad. :dunno2:

Damn, all of a sudden I'm starving.

My all-time favorite was the enchiladas ? :lol: It is soo tempting food for ya eh ? Lol

Mine is taco w/chicken... yum ! :D
No, actually the reason this is in Food and Beverage is b/c Auguest is either Jeffery Dahmer, Mrs Lovett (from Sweeny Todd) or that guy who met up with someone on the internet and had him chop off and cook his dick.
He's looking for receipes for his dead bodies. His farewell speech is just a cover. lol..........
No, actually the reason this is in Food and Beverage is b/c Auguest is either Jeffery Dahmer, Mrs Lovett (from Sweeny Todd) or that guy who met up with someone on the internet and had him chop off and cook his dick.
He's looking for receipes for his dead bodies. His farewell speech is just a cover. lol..........
wrong on all three accounts, deafdyke.

my name is actually Jeffrey Lovett and i met someone on the internet whom i had chop off and cook my balls, not my dick. and what delicious balls they were!
My ex finance born and raised in Mexico, told me that mexican restaurant here is generally fake. Took me the one that is real one, big difference!


Very funny! I was like "Oh boy! Another member leaving cuz of this stupid drama?"

Taco Bell is not authenic Mexican food. I used to be married a Mexican (he was born in Mexico) and his mother made the best Mexican food ever!!!! I miss her cooking!
:squint:... I am complete forget about this thread.. anyway This a.m I saw there "Goodbye Forever! " :shock: I open this thread oh sheesh its old thread and joke! :laugh2: ;):):Owned:
whom i had chop off and cook my balls, not my dick. and what delicious balls they were!
Are you the guy who runs the Gally University Ate My Balls Site?
Taco bell is just stuff that comes prepackaged from Food Services of America truck! Family owned restaraunts are the best, unless of course you can get invited to a native Mexican's house for dinner.... YUM...
wrong on all three accounts, deafdyke.

my name is actually Jeffrey Lovett and i met someone on the internet whom i had chop off and cook my balls, not my dick. and what delicious balls they were!

LMAO teeeeheeee heee heee BURP
Don't really care about Mexican food, but I do miss August. He was funny.
What!, I didn't know about this. Now that I learned. Peace out.
My ex finance born and raised in Mexico, told me that mexican restaurant here is generally fake. Took me the one that is real one, big difference!


If you meant here in the States, then fine because I would be very leery of eating food IN Mexico.