Goodbye Forever!


Mar 30, 2008
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this is my melodramatic, attention-hungry goodbye thread.

i know i just made my first post here like 4 days ago...


now beg for me not to go.

JK YOU GUYS!!! :giggle::cool2::whip::D:cuddle::hug::thumb:

this thread is now officially about Mexican fast food. what's your favorite chain? ever got a bloody bandaid in your taco? how far off is Taco Bell from real Mexican food?

Very funny! I was like "Oh boy! Another member leaving cuz of this stupid drama?"

Taco Bell is not authenic Mexican food. I used to be married a Mexican (he was born in Mexico) and his mother made the best Mexican food ever!!!! I miss her cooking!
I think family owned Mexican restaurants are better than Chain Mexican restaurants.
Hahaha Very funny ! I almost drop my jaw. Yikes ! :giggle:

Anyway, I love mexican foods. I think homemade mexican foods are the best. :D

As long as they are just F O O D that will content you and full in your stomache. :P
lol you surely got me! :giggle:

I have to agree, family made Mexican resturants are lot better than Mexican company resturants.
ironically, my favorite food from Del Taco is their double cheeseburgers. their patties are paper-thin and they have a dangerous, persistent and stupid habit of ALWAYS undercooking the meat and leaving it pink, but damn if they aren't the best double cheeseburgers this side of New Zealand.


what is all this "board drama" you people refer to? did i just miss a board revolution or something?


what is all this "board drama" you people refer to? did i just miss a board revolution or something?

Looong story and it is all over but you can view Alex's locked thread "so they want me to join the dark side.." in general chat.

It is not that important really..just between Alex and some members. Nothing to do with most of us. Smile
i don't know who this Alex character is..

so i'll just nod my head and smile and stare off into space with cold, dead eyes.
i don't know who this Alex character is..

so i'll just nod my head and smile and stare off into space with cold, dead eyes.

Alex is the administrator of this Ad forum. He created it, I think or owns it. :dunno:

I dont know him personally..just only through some of his posts on AD. No biggie.

Good thread.. good to see some of us still have a good sense of humor. Making lemon aid out of lemons.

Taco bell doesn't taste anything like Mexican food. I prefer the real deal.

and I have never had a bloody band aide in my Taco.
It's nothing new....mainly local restaurants generally taste better than national or international chain restaurants. It depends on what. I don't eat mexican foods that much. I do like them, of course. Taco bell is more like Mexi-american fast food and it's based on quanity, not quality. :-P
It's nothing new....mainly local restaurants generally taste better than national or international chain restaurants. It depends on what. I don't eat mexican foods that much. I do like them, of course. Taco bell is more like Mexi-american fast food and it's based on quanity, not quality. :-P
true true, but what quantity it is!