Good news!!!

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Apr 2, 2008
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My doctors started a new procedure so that they minimize the hear loss from the implantation. They tested me at my last appointment on Tuesday and I still have hearing in my ear with the implant. They don’t destroy the ears anymore. Thank god!!!! The technology is improve than before.
Congrats! Do you still find your residual hearing useful with HAs?
Congrats! Do you still find your residual hearing useful with HAs?

Thank you! Yes in my right. I don't wear HA on my left anymore because I have CI on the left ear.

My both ears' residual hearing are working as well. The hearing aids doesn't help me at all. CI helping me a lot!
You plan to get a 2nd CI next year as your loss is progessive due to usher's. Isn't your hearing already worse than mine? Then I am not surprised HAs do very little at this point. Since CI works great for you, no need to go back to HAs anyway.
I stopped wear HA in my right ear. Because it made me headache in the right brain. CI isn't make me headache. That's so strange! Yes, My hearing loss db is the worse than you. I still have residual hearing. I'm so lucky!
My first Hearing Aid

I also have good news. I found my first hearing aid. I’m really lucky to hear so well now.:lol:
During my research about hearing aids I found a good website with helpfully themes about hearing aids.
Hearing Aid Facts :lol:
I also have good news. I found my first hearing aid. I’m really lucky to hear so well now.:lol:
During my research about hearing aids I found a good website with helpfully themes about hearing aids.
Hearing Aid Facts :lol:

You're bragger! Why you think it's funny? Are you deaf or hard of hearing? I'm totally profound deaf. HA doesn't help me at all! I love my CI than HA!
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You're bragger! Why you think it's funny? HA doesn't help me at all! I love my CI than HA!

I think she doesn't know what she is saying. I think it is a person who became hard of hearing late and is just now getting HA.

I also think she may mistake the laugh for a smile.
I stopped wear HA in my right ear. Because it made me headache in the right brain.
Oh, well in that case I totally would opt for bilateral.
I would do it ASAP, since I have a feeling that health insurers are going to become a lot more strict as to who can/can't get bilateral CI.
I stopped wear HA in my right ear. Because it made me headache in the right brain. CI isn't make me headache. That's so strange! Yes, My hearing loss db is the worse than you. I still have residual hearing. I'm so lucky!

I have TMJ and I can no longer wear a HA in my right ear! It is painful if I wear it for too longer! I tried to have CI years ago but I was told I was not a good candidate! I had a 50/50 of losing all my hearing , the doctor said if I was deaf I would not be taking a risk of losing any hearing!
That's wonderful, Pinky! I'm so glad they are ruling out residual hearing loss as a reason for opting out of the CI. Hopefully it will make the choice even just the teeniest bit easier.
I have TMJ and I can no longer wear a HA in my right ear! It is painful if I wear it for too longer! I tried to have CI years ago but I was told I was not a good candidate! I had a 50/50 of losing all my hearing , the doctor said if I was deaf I would not be taking a risk of losing any hearing!

Maybe you can ask your doctor about the CI again now that it doesn't involve destroying residual hearing loss.
Maybe you can ask your doctor about the CI again now that it doesn't involve destroying residual hearing loss.

It still usually destroys residual hearing. He may have enough residual hearing to get plenty of benefits from HAs, that's why he was turned down for CI last time.
It still usually destroys residual hearing. He may have enough residual hearing to get plenty of benefits from HAs, that's why he was turned down for CI last time.

Pinky said:
My doctors started a new procedure so that they minimize the hear loss from the implantation. They tested me at my last appointment on Tuesday and I still have hearing in my ear with the implant. They don’t destroy the ears anymore. Thank god!!!! The technology is improve than before.

I'm confused.
You were turned down for a CI, right? You benefit from HAs, you just don't find your HAs comfortable to wear all day if I read correctly? Ive seen some keep part or even all their residual hearing with CIs(but no guarantee how long they keep their residual hearing) while others lose it all. If your residual hearing is important to you, id stick with HAs. If you get CI and lose some or all your residual hearing, you can never go back to HA in the implanted ear.

I know a lady who got a hybrid CI a few months ago. She had alot of residual hearing in the low frequencies and was getting decent benefit from HAs even though they weren't full power or programmed the best for her loss. I wish I had as much residual hearing as she did(ill get my chance soon) but anyway she implanted her worse ear and lost alot of her residual hearing. She can't wear a HA in that ear. I personally don't understand why she wanted CI, she even was happy with HAs but her audiologist pressured her into a CI. Ok so she got a small improvement with CI in the speech range but she lost her ability to hear unaided or hear below 250Hz. She can't hear bass music in the CI ear.
I'm confused.

Pinky most likely had surgery using the sorter array technique. It has been known for some time that a shorter array will preserve residual hearing in the lower frequencies. However, it is not effective for all individuals, so there are cases where the longer array must be used.
It depend on individuals.
Pinky.....I know I'm not a CI user.....but that's exactly the reason why I was encouraging you to wait and see about a second CI. Everyone is an indivdidual.....but you does sound like you'd be eligable for bilaterals....even if you're on Medicaid. If your hearing aid is giving you a headache, I'd donate it to the Lions and get a second CI ASAP!
Pinky.....I know I'm not a CI user.....but that's exactly the reason why I was encouraging you to wait and see about a second CI. Everyone is an indivdidual.....but you does sound like you'd be eligable for bilaterals....even if you're on Medicaid. If your hearing aid is giving you a headache, I'd donate it to the Lions and get a second CI ASAP!

No, I can't get on medicaid because I am married. My husband have high income. My hearing level are different level. I have to take a speech therapy first before get bilateral.
My husband have high income. My hearing level are different level. I have to take a speech therapy first before get bilateral.
Oh does he have good health insurance too? That's a good thing to not worry about. So you have basicly a "lopsided" loss where the hearing is better in one ear? Do you mean that you have to go through a speech discrimination test before bilaterals? That's a good idea......but you did say that your hearing aid causes should mention that to your audi!
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