So very true. I know what I like and what I don't like, and shouldn't be made to feel guilty about that! I had a visitor on OKC and the photo was just of their torso - not their face. A very large torso, I might add.
I am in the normal weight range for my height as per the mostly accurate BMI chart... I wear slim-fit dress shirts to work sometimes... I am pretty sure that makes me average.
I've been told there are poly and swinger groups on
Exactly. Everyone makes you feel bad about your likes and dislikes. I personally do not like heavy set women, that's just something I don't like.

You can't be with someone you're not attracted to, plain and simple. There are always those people out there who call you shallow and crap, but the truth is they have standards too, everyone does! I wouldn't say I'm slim by any means because I do have curves... :P I'm not large by any means, but I'm definitely not Barbie style up in here...

Not to mention, people who start out lying to me even with a photo already have themselves on a do not date list. Even a small lie in the beginning opens up a ton of potential for it later in my book.
The worst one ever?

When I first explored a dating site I found a VERY attractive women I decided to meet. ( This was when I was about 18 or 19? ) Anyway, I went to pick her up and this very large woman approached my car. She leaned in the window and asked my name. I about died right there. I drove a Mustang at the time. To not be rude, I said yes that was me. ( Should have said no, who the heck are you!? )

But I was being honest and polite. She could barely get in and get the door closed!!!

We got dinner and then as we were leaving she asked to stop at Wendy's. O...M...G.... She spent $20 there after we just ate!!! Then, we were passing a naughty shop and she made me pull in... NOOOOOOO!!! We went in and she started asking if I'd like to see her model various things. I just walked out front and started panicking trying to figure out how to get out of this! She came out and we got back in the car and I THANK GOD got a call from my mom saying she was ill and needed some prescriptions picked up. THANK YOU MOM!!!! I dropped her off and that was it. She tried to write me, in those writings I asked WTF was up with the pictures, she said that was her sister. How.... messed....up.... is that!? I dropped off the dating site and haven't been back since!!!

I'll stick to meeting people in person... much better. If I ever go back, I'm making them do that nerdy thing where they write your name on their hand and take a picture!

Bad times.... bad times....