you're welcome and btw there's a writer who's rocking those Verso!!! (might consider that on the list as I grow older)
Is that the lip reading mom blogger?
my skype name is erika.austin7 if you want to sign.... I am still learning as I was just told that my son is hard of hearing.
I do know he's got much use out of them and purposely chose them and the various technical aspects of them, cuz he is very technically inclined and has lots of various settings with them.
LOVE PITTIES...your pictured boy is gorgeous I live with my beloved Rottie girls and became more acquainted with Bullies when I started to volunteer at the animal shelter where I assist with training and do behavioral stuff with dogs. I work with Pitties all the time. I'm also involved w/Pittie and Rottie rescue
Hi! Welcome and I love that humorous post you made about single moms spilling milk just to get a break from the kids.
I grew up not knowing ASL until I was 25 years has been 16 years and right now, I am an active ASL user and very involved with the Deaf community. For me to get where I am in the Deaf community, it took a lot of bumps my journey to the Deaf world.