good advice


New Member
Sep 2, 2012
Reaction score
Not really a joke but some good advice:

Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night. :zzz::eek::zzz::eek:
Nice combination - I can guess where you woke up on the last morning! LOL J/K Careful there, hope all is swell.

BTW, don't use stimulants and laxatives together, or you'll be making beef stool til expiration! :shock:
Just so you know... its agaisnt the law to do that with seagulls. Also there is a prank with giving seagulls Alka Seltzers, they cant pass gas and will bloat, then drop like a rock out of the air..they will internally explode due to the pressure. So, Im surprised someone is stupid enough to upload this video.
Just so you know... its agaisnt the law to do that with seagulls. Also there is a prank with giving seagulls Alka Seltzers, they cant pass gas and will bloat, then drop like a rock out of the air..they will internally explode due to the pressure. So, Im surprised someone is stupid enough to upload this video.

Same goes with Rice, correct?