He really has it in for the Deaf Ha Ha
thanks for vid cnice. this is very excellent propaganda.....'-)
the best you posted so far..
and was very enjoyable to deconstruct. far far better then those software patched i got a ci im saved" articles...
this is a video of a talk given tedxislay in austen. by michael chorost, it is cc and is terped..it is close to 19 minuets long i won't transcribe the entire vi, since the poster doesn't care to offer his opinion on it or to transcribe, ill do what i will. but select key points of this interesting talk
right from start we come across some very serious issues.
creep doc said:
"that american sign language needs to stop being the language of the Deaf, and needs to start being the language of community communication and visual communication"
a number of plms with this seemingly innocent statement.
first. this guy isnt Deaf, he is not a part of our community or culture, or people. he doesn't even know our language and here he is, telling us what our language needs to do.
and what he sees, is the need is for our language to stop being ours..
this is dangerous.
second. our language is already a language of community communication and visual communication..
third , english didnt cease being the language of the english when it became an international language. why shoudl ASL cease to be the langauge fo the Deaf for it to be used by cross communities? ie hearie and Deaf?
so why should ASL? cease to be our language?
he doesn't actually no place state why....
he claims to be a respectful outsider, yet he cant seem to get being an outsider he shouldn't have it he has any "say" regarding what we should or shouldn't do...with our language...
and of course if he knew the history he would be well aware why for sure any minority who is pounded with assimilation and colonialism as we are have boundraries that matter.
he also white washes some very fundamental issues..
minority languages aren't just dying or being wiped out because parents want their children to learn a majority language..
thats one part of it
another part he fails to mention is polices and actions of governments in eradicating minority languages through this world plays even a larger role.
he brings up assimilation then neglects to actually name the real players...
he drops the
creep doctor said:
"96% of deaf born to hearie"
as if we didn't already know...
he then of course by the numbers make this statement
creep doc said:
"i don't think there is a conspiracy by the medical establishment to wipe out deafness"
note here..
language he uses, to first seemingly address a concern then at the same time dismiss it.
he uses conspiracy,
as people on this board use it, the plm is
just like on this board the only people who use it are the ones who are claiming its not occurring...
i've never used it
very few Deaf works do use it..
its used here and on this board to be dismissive..rather then actually look at real polices and behaviours of real people and organizations, its
i don't think it's a conspiracy..call it what you want, let's look at what they are actually doing..
but he doesn't of course...
and i don't blame him
also its not deafness that is the basis of our critique on what they are doing, its Deaf. they are wiping out Deaf culture by DENYING sign language acquisition to new deaf babies an children and by keeping deaf children away from other Deaf children so that they do not revert back to being Deaf"
thats what they are doing..
and that has a huge impact down the line of generations, as lost fluency in your language degrades leadership in that language group...as fewer and fewer native users grow up fluent..
and it has shown in regards to us.
then he uses the argument , and he claims to be philosopher so he knows exactly what he did here, its called the argument of justification by presence
creep doc said:
"its just something is simply happening"
really...no human beings or ideas, or organizations are involved..its just happening....
this is absolutely misleading...
and a bald face LIE!!
it is happening because human beings are making it happen..plain and simple
then he brings up schools for the Deaf are closing in australia in great numbers""
and they are...
this will give you a good idea on whats happening to our Deaf brothers and sisters in australia.
end of first part.....