Going to college or university is expensive for some students

Can I add something???

Mebbe becuz of racial differences as well? Have you ever thought that maybe some colleges have a lot of predominately races that seem to prevail in colleges than minority races? Like for example, there is about 17% African Americans attending Harvard University than there is about 1% of whites going to Morehouse University ( a predominately black college).

Here's another thing too...cutbacks on programs. In some stituations in some colleges, government fundings have ben cut, so some college programs that depend on the fundings are cut too. So, if that program is the one that is typically used by the student in everyday slots, that would effect a student's education. This would prompt a student to drop out of college or not go to college at all. Even though, they could've gone to another college that have the same programs but, it all depends on if they can afford to move out of state and be in another college.

Tutional increase... a lot of colleges are increasing becuz of a lot of government fundings are being cut. Its quite simple, when a program is being threatened by the gov't cuts, it needs to increase their monies to cover the cost of the tution fees from per student. This is a major problem that is growing widespread all across the nation.

Eternity, you can quote me on all this. I am always happy to help a fellow AD'er! :D
commiting federal offenses can block you from getting Finan aid, just recently they made a rule that if you were arrested for drugs then you are not eligible for aid...

also some people dont know tthat there is some scholarship they qualify for or that there is finan aid out there for them.
If you are not careful, you might end up taking more/some classes and courses that you dont need and your college can just get more money from you.

All costs, including the tuitions, books, supplies, registration, and transportation costs.................. there are most lists but i dont know what's else.. Also, there's a student loan.

When you loan from college and you realize exactly how much you will owe at the end when you finish with school.

with brainstorm... something has to come up with some ideas. blah .. whatever
Maybe some have trouble getting scholarships due to poor grades in HS?
It's common for students to sign up for loans as they go through college without realizing exactly how much they will owe at the end.
Yep, I know and I believe that I'll owe my college for educations. I will be happy to pay them off and with some help from, maybe, some kind of people who will be willing to pay for my scholarships and all. (I think it's impossible so I expect to pay them off myself though) Not bad. I might probably make good money and will pay them off fast.
:fu: im sick of $$ issues, hehe. Hmm, some can't afford due to bad economy now, people r losing $ in stocks, less scholarships are given out, less jobs are hiring-- some families has to feed mouths, bsbs and can't afford the colleges expenses, etc. Which ends up leaving the student with no choice and to get a student loan.
Well they could find some jobs like at fast food restaurants, supermarket as stock, restaurants and etc.

They are not showing any aggressive enough to find a way to get $$.. Maybe become a prostitute.. to earn $$ for their living?
I pay my own cash to college. I know Im :crazy: That's why I have a job even though I pay my own bills and expense on my daughter for things too.

The survival is what they need to survive
Last night I stayed up to write 5 paragraphs then went to the bed at 3am and got up at 6am to get ready for school this morning :(

So here..... I just revised and im sure there are some errors down here
Going to college/university is expensive for some students

Some studnets cannot afford college/university without any help from financial aid, (there are some reasons why they cannot afford) grants, scholarships, vocational rehabition, their parents, student loans, and bank loans. It is also true that most people do not know where to get reliable informations. Some government runding have been cut. Some studnets' family cannot help them out much when they are going to college. Some of them, do not have a job to expense their educations.

Second, when taking out studnet loans and bank loans, it is common for students to sign up as they go through college without realizing exactly how much will owe at end. They are more expensive than some studnets have to pay out in years ahead. Loans have an interest percentage rate; that means they have to pay more.

Another reason is that some studnets' families cannot afford to help because they are not making much money to spend n their kids to go college because they have a low income. Some studnets pay their own bills, like day care, home mortgage, insurance, and car payment if they have. Also, some students do not have a job to earn money and pay for their educational things.

Yet, tuitions, books and supplies are too expensive for them to spend moeny on. If some students are not careful, they might end up taking classes and courses that they do not need, just so the college can get more money. Credit hours are pretty expensive if they take up to 15 credit hours. They would gone about $800.00 to $1,500.00, plus have buy the books which they require for their class. How can they pay all expenses if they take many classes and books? Where will they get the money from? It is xpensive for them. That would be difficult for them to pay their tuition fees and supplies when they have only little money.

Finally, transportation is expensive for some students because they will take the little money out of their pocket to pay the gas to drive to college for their classes. Some other studnets ride the bus. They will have to pay the small amount for every bus ride.
some ppl doesn't realize that they have allot of money to be able to pay the college which it has happen to me twice that i didn't realized that i make allot of money before lay off or quit job before i apply for finincal aids ... so it give me a trap and figure can't afford to go college due to these income that i has made...which finical aids already denies me to get loan or pell grants etc ...
Well my essay seems so so, because im sure they are just some errors in there.

I ll see what happen on TUES when I get it back.