Some "people" here and out in the world proven to me in the bible what God was saying, He knew that people would foolishly reject his leadership and instead to be the God of their own lives and fail. God calls this rejection "sin." How many times God tried to get close to people, and people push further away and make wrong choices, Just like Adam and Eve, who eaten from the forbidden tree, they put a curse on the world, From the moment of Adam's sin, all people were destined to die. Yet, in God's promise, there is still hope, Eve's children Cain and Abel. Abel chose to be a shepherd, while Cain became a farmer. God showed his respect to only Abel because no animal was a sin, Cain who God did not respect was a farmer and Adam and Eve's sin goes out through all human race. There was no forgiveness of sin. Jesus didn't arrive on earth yet, Cain attacked Abel and killed him. Then the Lord asked Cain, "Where is your brother Abel?" Cain answered, "I don't know: Am I my brother's keeper?" God said, "What have you done? I hear the voice of your brother's blood crying to me from the ground.
Then years passed, people began to fill the earth, people were sinning, their hearts was only evil, they destroy their free will based on what they want to do instead of doing the righteous.. God was grieving
Noah was the only guy who respected God, So God said to Noah, "The end of all mankind is coming. Because people have filled the earth with violence, I will destroy them along with the earth. Noah did preached to the people, "Those who refuse to honor God shall be destroyed." Sadly, everyone mocked Noah and laughed at God's warning. But Noah and his family were the only ones that believed God. Finally, the water covered everything on the earth, a big flood.
You see, this is what I've been seeing today how people still rejected God, labeling him "a murder" making up fascinating stories about it's history, and God, because they're looking at what their mind logic are telling them, instead of really believe it from the heart that the bibles is really telling us the story of it's history of it's people and the creator of God.