***Rolling Eyes*** It is interesting to me that people point fingers at God when things go bad. But we totally forget Him when things are good...go figure.
In the scheme of things, the VT massacre is nothing (I'm not mocking this tragic event but trying to put some perspective into it) Seems like everybody forgets past events such as the Rape of Nanking, the Holocast, the Chinese "Leap Forward" (20 million died), and many others over the centuries. It is not specific to any country of the world. Have we already forgotten Beslan school hostage crisis? Some 300+ (with 186 of them kids!!!) people were killed in that fiasco.
By this line of reasoning...God sure must hate Russia, or China, or the Jews or whoever has the misfortune to suffer like this. I don't think so. Man has a propensity to do great acts of evil and God allows it as part of his plan. It is man's choice to do evil acts not God's. Let's put the blame where it should be squarely put...on man himself.