thanks for your information....For me, I never believe God exist in heaven, never will! Because heaven isnt exist at all.. sorry..
How many of you clicked on this thread furiously immedately thinking up a reply or something to tell me without even reading the the content inside? With that in mind you have to ask those who believe do they 'look before they leap' or simply just act like lemurs following one after another. Along with that, why do you believe God, in God or whatever it is you prefer. Uh-uh, you can't use bible passages. They prove nothing at all. What makes you so sure there's someone up there? Please spend more time asking yourself why than trying to think up an elaborate explaination that defies logic and common sense.
Those threads that kept popping up on general gave me the notion that alot of people don't even think about something and just dive into it and already have an assumption without facts first. Often comes of judging someone or believing something. I'm hoping to use it as an example to make some people realize something but eh... not to insult anyone here but the replies that are probably going to show up here will be extremely predictable. Maybe its reverse psychology, maybe it's a fact. Care to prove me wrong?
I read what it was said about the blood. Still that difference is still big enough for us not being able to get blood transfusion from the chimps. Its that two phenotypes that prevents it. No way to make it work at the present time.
Firstly, no one is claiming they're homo sapiens sapiens. Secondly, sure, they're animals, and we're animals too. You're either a plant, an animal, or an element. But they do seem to be so close genetically as to perhaps fit more into the homo genus than the pan genus.This proves the point that the chimps are not human at all. They are still animals.
Um... so labling them as in the human related species would lable you a Horses and Donkeys are related about the same, but we don't call donkeys horses now, do we?We can try so hard but they cannot reason. We can teach them but they cannot invent, or come up with a new language or be able to explain what they are doing. I do not want to be labeled as a chimp...
"The New York Times has a story on how chimpanzees seem to exhibit a better understanding of cause and effect than human children. While training chimps to perform a routine task with redundant steps, the chimps were able to figure out and eliminate the redundant steps, while the human children routinely performed them despite their evident uselessness. It says something about the way we learn compared to chimps and should be interesting to cognitive scientists and those interested in computational learning theory, at the least."
Of course we are the superior being.. we can give blood to chimp but they cannot give us theirs... it wont work.. It didnt talk about us getting chimp blood tis about testing for AIDS in the blood...
It takes an expert to differentiate between a baby ape skeleton and a baby human skeleton. In fact, we share 98.8% of our genetic makeup with chimpanzees. I could get a blood transfusion from a chimp; I could have their bones safely grafted to my skeleton. They are very much like what our ancestors must have been like; utilizing tools, language, having complex social structure and behavior.
"If you want to see a stand-in for what human ancestors looked like, and acted like, five million years ago, go and watch a band of bonobos in a zoo." (Calvin, William H., 2001, The Bonobo Page (Prof. W. H. Calvin)) Calvin is referring to the Bonobo Chimpanzees. Surprisingly enough, they walk upright from time to time, to carry food around. They make and use primitive tools, have complex social order, and even have abstract language. In the trails through the forest, the bonobos leave leaves arranged in a pattern to indicate which direction on the path to follow. This shows a characteristic that all chimpanzees posses: the ability to anticipate, and to comprehend cause and effect. One chimp must think "someone else is going to come this way and wonder which way to go, so I will leave him a sign." To anticipate a future event, one chimp's following his own trail, and to understand that that chimp will not know which way to go shows high intelligence.
Of course we are the superior being.. we can give blood to chimp but they cannot give us theirs... it wont work.. It didnt talk about us getting chimp blood tis about testing for AIDS in the blood...
You say atheists spout alot of hate speech? Think about all the hate that is spouted in the name of god or religion. Clue me in the last time a WAR was fought because of atheist beliefs and then I'll start thinking about changing my religion of choice.
Furthermore, think of all the things that the bible is currently being used to "hate"; homosexuality seems to be a prime example.
Atheists are angry, they see something that seems absurb to them--that makes people dogmatic and unreasonable at times, and they argue to convince people that its misleading them.
There is a fine line between hate speech and argumentation; just because your point is being invalidated doesn't mean its hate.
If you do not believe in God, then YOU do not believe in you -- Yourself.For me, I never believe God exist in heaven, never will! Because heaven isnt exist at all.. sorry..
Hypocrisy which means to say one thing but doing so under a false pretense, is an insulting word? Do you know of a better word that portrays the same meaning?ha! I was just simply pointing out her hypocrisy where she claims I bash christians and she's doing the exact same thing to me by telling me I'm not "worth" it. (quote by xentar)
That is insulting word. This is a good example where we point out of your attitude. But that is one of them.
Except we're not talking about behavior. Why is everyone jumping around the word BELIEF.But christians do believe the same as who Christ is. But the BEHAVIOR of christian are different. What SOME christians are doing not mean all other christians agree with.
If you do not believe in God, then YOU do not believe in you -- Yourself.
Originally Posted by Gamer12
if you don't believe in god, you'll go to hell!*
if you do believe in god or receive jesus as your lord and savior, you'll go to heaven!*
oh wait, it's not a logical explanation or reason. i guess us sinners will suffer a terrible fate christians periodically cited to us.
*roll my eyes"
I already stated in several threads so I post again here...
I was raised to beleive God, Jesus and Bible etc from Roman Catholic family until I was involved with JW people where I went same school with and grew up with them. I learn the scriptures from them which my Roman Catholic family doesn't. From Roman Catholic family, the bible as the history and from JW is study what scriputures/verus is about until I registered American forums in 2004.
It got me confusing more and more then my boys have 2 teachers for religion and Evolution in their school... It confuses me more and more until my eldest son convinced me at last why we have different blood group when we come from Eve and Adam's creation. I was like and post on my eldest son's behalf to AllDeaf forum at 2 years ago. All what I receive unsatisfy answer from them and depend on Evolution more and more to neglect my belief that's how I turn into Agnostic... because I open my mind and saw the logic. Sometimes I am for Evolution and Creatisum together or not... sometimes just Evolution... I doubt God's existance and beleive Jesus's existance.
Now I am confused, Agnostic or Satanist?