gMail accounts

I'm using mine and it's WONDERFUL! It's a lot easier to use as well.

The whole mailbox loads up and runs in one window. There's no window refreshing like Hotmail or Yahoo. If the same two people are communicating back and forth on the same email, it will list them all in one mail... separated by tabs. It even has an auto-fill "To:" box.
So.. Anyone want an account with Gmail? Some of us got invites to spare, and, if you like, please swap on this thread! ;)
Deaf258 said:
So.. Anyone want an account with Gmail? Some of us got invites to spare, and, if you like, please swap on this thread! ;)

Ohh, *waving arms* Me, me! Can I have one, please? :angel:

I would like to expand my horizon and contacts.
Learn about what's wunderful about Gmail. :)

Err, am out of creative whys I should have this email account *shrugs*
I would like to try Gmail... hmm because of the nice storage space where I could store my good emails without having to worry about filling up my space and I don't like to have it filled up so full heh. I'm tired of deleting emails so I could keep my account available. :) Please? heh
Whoa!! Just when I gave out 2 invites, I get 4 more invitations to give!

I am feelin' generous, anyone want their gmail accounts now?

Pls post why and PM me your first and last name with an email address I can send the invitation to.

When I send in the gmail invite, most webmail services will put your gmail invite in the junk folder, block list, or trash, so please check everything!
What's so cool about Gmail anyway?

If I can access it through my sodapop wireless account on my cell phone, then I'll be giddy.

I would like to try it if anyone has an invite to spare.
Sophia26 said:
What's so cool about Gmail anyway?

If I can access it through my sodapop wireless account on my cell phone, then I'll be giddy.

I would like to try it if anyone has an invite to spare.

Does your cellphone support java? if so, then, yes, you can access gmail.
I just found out that the Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 blocks pop-ups... including Gmail's. However, you can easily turn that off only for Gmail-related webpages. The only pop-up Gmail does is the contact list or creating some new messages.
I would love a g mail account any thing is better than yahoo. Even with the new added storage some times yahoo is so dang slow. And not haveing to refresh to check mesages would be awsome ! And if I accidently hit back while typing a message and then forward I lose everything grrrr.
Deaf258 said:
Does your cellphone support java? if so, then, yes, you can access gmail.

Don't know. All I know is that if Gmail has a POP server than I can access it.
Sophia26 said:
Don't know. All I know is that if Gmail has a POP server than I can access it.

I think you have to download a software that allows you to check gmail by POP means.
*Put an arm straight up in the air*

Please, sir, I'd like Gmail please. I draw a lot of pictures and often send a bunch of them at once to my friends, so gmail would be very good for me. Please? *Puppy eyes*

I'll PM you. Thanks!
Never mind, I went to Gmail Swap website and asked for an invite or two...and I got five gmail invites! :eek2: (That's because I offered to draw a cartoon of their choice, lol)

So, I have a Gmail account now (maybe a second one, too). :D
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Through the generousity of Deaf258 I got my G mail account now I have six to give pm me with your name and email if you want one.
Brian said:
If you use Yahoo or Hotmail/MSN E-mail services, then GMAIL is much like those only with more mega bytes (MBs) offered at no charge. :)

Gmail is NOT like yahoo or hotmail for 2 obvious reasons. One, Gmail has a feature that keeps all your conversations (replies and sent messages) on one page, saves time from searching all related messages. Two, they use text ads, no flashy banner ads.
Someone please send me a Gmail invite!

I'm curious and want to try it out. :mrgreen:

Edit: Thanks, Brian, for the Gmail invite. That was fast! :shock:
Darn!! He beat me....and heck, he's not even a roadrunner... :lol: Well Alex, I hope you'll like it as I do have it thanks to Deaf258....

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