Given the chance to choose between hearing and Deaf who would choose to remain Deaf?

not sure I'd want to choose a cure that potentially is worse than the ailment. I do wear hearing aids (since 2...) so I'm used to that but honestly? I'd rather be Deaf- it's all I've known since I was born. As much as I love listening to music the bigger difficulty is dealing with the hearing world in general in trying to get around- making appointments, face to face etc (thankfully I do have some hearing friends who hate the voice phone as much as I do and prefer text lol).

With my lens implants improving my vision.. somewhat, I'd say I got better quality with advancing technology (not perfect by any means still..)than I do with hearing aids but that's neither here nor there as vision and hearing are two different things.
Given the chance to choose between hearing and Deaf who would choose to remai...

not sure I'd want to choose a cure that potentially is worse than the ailment. I do wear hearing aids (since 2...) so I'm used to that but honestly? I'd rather be Deaf- it's all I've known since I was born. As much as I love listening to music the bigger difficulty is dealing with the hearing world in general in trying to get around- making appointments, face to face etc (thankfully I do have some hearing friends who hate the voice phone as much as I do and prefer text lol).

With my lens implants improving my vision.. somewhat, I'd say I got better quality with advancing technology (not perfect by any means still..)than I do with hearing aids but that's neither here nor there as vision and hearing are two different things.

Excellent post, especially the first paragraph -- I could have written the exact same. Love music too. Hate the phone, hate most social settings. Just awkward for me.
I went deaf, it was hard and frustrating. I do not want to experience the frustration I would have learning to be hearing again. It's not like having a CI transports you to instant hearing.
I was born hearing, due to a surgery at 18 months old, I now had moderate to severe hearing loss as well as nerve damage to parts of my body.

I would prefer that I was hearing all the way. I've been so mistreated in the past due to my deafness that I'm sick of it. Sick of being passed over jobs, sick of being fired due to it, sick of being denied promotions due to it. And sick of being deaf but not deaf enough according to other people.

If I would've been hearing all the way through, I wouldn't have gone through this heart-ache.
I was born hearing, due to a surgery at 18 months old, I now had moderate to severe hearing loss as well as nerve damage to parts of my body.

I would prefer that I was hearing all the way. I've been so mistreated in the past due to my deafness that I'm sick of it. Sick of being passed over jobs, sick of being fired due to it, sick of being denied promotions due to it. And sick of being deaf but not deaf enough according to other people.

If I would've been hearing all the way through, I wouldn't have gone through this heart-ache.

I do understand the not deaf enough. It's rough being that in between deaf. I look at the born Deaf and am envious of their growing up with ASL, while we struggle with hearing aids, many of us never having learned sign, being rather left out expected to live in the hearing world with no sympathy or understanding from family or peers.

At this point in my life (I'm old) I wish I were Deaf and know how to sign, I would never get a CI.
I do understand the not deaf enough. It's rough being that in between deaf. I look at the born Deaf and am envious of their growing up with ASL, while we struggle with hearing aids, many of us never having learned sign, being rather left out expected to live in the hearing world with no sympathy or understanding from family or peers.

At this point in my life (I'm old) I wish I were Deaf and know how to sign, I would never get a CI.

And after you got your first hearing aid you're expected to magically be ready for the next grade level in school , I was send to second grade and I had not passed first grade b/c no one knew I was hoh until I was 8 yo. And I got only one HA , kids that needed eye glasses did not get one only lens for their glasses.
I do understand the not deaf enough. It's rough being that in between deaf. I look at the born Deaf and am envious of their growing up with ASL, while we struggle with hearing aids, many of us never having learned sign, being rather left out expected to live in the hearing world with no sympathy or understanding from family or peers.

At this point in my life (I'm old) I wish I were Deaf and know how to sign, I would never get a CI.
I was born Deaf but I didn't grow up with ASL.

Those who were born deaf and grew up with ASL I envy a bit. Most were from strong deaf family (genetics mostly) with many generations of deaf and ASL with some kids whose parents were somehow convinced or perhaps felt that deaf school would be better immersed themselves into ASL. During my youth and before that it was strictly Sign vs Oral. Today it's easier more encouragement to have both 'oral' and sign if that works for the child and more acceptance (not 100% but not 0% either) of ASL.
I was born Deaf but I didn't grow up with ASL.

Those who were born deaf and grew up with ASL I envy a bit. Most were from strong deaf family (genetics mostly) with many generations of deaf and ASL with some kids whose parents were somehow convinced or perhaps felt that deaf school would be better immersed themselves into ASL. During my youth and before that it was strictly Sign vs Oral. Today it's easier more encouragement to have both 'oral' and sign if that works for the child and more acceptance (not 100% but not 0% either) of ASL.

I grew up learning to speak oral only in the mainstream schools (elementary and high schools). I hate oral only because it is very hard to lipread teachers and hearing students. I don't mind speaking as I am not perfect and have a deaf accent. I learned how to signed Amslan (same as ASL) after I graduated from mainstream high school. It really lift my shoulder or chest off and I felt better signing totally. I love it. I communicated better with the Deaf communities and Deaf events.
There is no way you can compile accurate statistics from an anonymous forum like this. You have no idea who is actually responding, or if they are really deaf.

I do agree with you that this website would not be an accurate place for collecting data...

HOWEVER, I will say my personal opinion on this. I am saying now that I do not know anything for sure and this is just me going by what I know from my schooling...

I have a feeling that the OP may be young, like very early college or even high school (could be why the #16 is in her/his username) and maybe using this topic for a debate paper. If this is the case, a person in this age group may not know how to conduct a real research study and have a true understanding on what statistics really represent. If this is the case here, I HIGHLY doubt this kid's paper is going to be published. It's probably more just a midterm paper to assess their position writing skills. Plus, if this were for a real high level course (like Grad school), they would most likely already know the way to obtain more accurate statistics...

Also, we don't know the objectives of the assignment. All that was said was that it was a paper about CI. Maybe the teacher/professor WANTS them to collect data and learn how to form statistics from that--as in, it doesn't really matter what or where the numbers came from, just whether or not she's able to apply her data into another form and use that information to make a debate or form a position...
I do agree with you that this website would not be an accurate place for collecting data...

HOWEVER, I will say my personal opinion on this. I am saying now that I do not know anything for sure and this is just me going by what I know from my schooling...

I have a feeling that the OP may be young, like very early college or even high school (could be why the #16 is in her/his username) and maybe using this topic for a debate paper. If this is the case, a person in this age group may not know how to conduct a real research study and have a true understanding on what statistics really represent. If this is the case here, I HIGHLY doubt this kid's paper is going to be published. It's probably more just a midterm paper to assess their position writing skills. Plus, if this were for a real high level course (like Grad school), they would most likely already know the way to obtain more accurate statistics...
Ok. Are you trying to say you don't think young people should be told if they are doing something in a way that should probably earn them a failing grade?
As I have been told(not my opinion), today, assistive devices do not preclude a person from being Deaf. Apparently, there are many people, including people on this form, who use assitive technology and are, "Deaf".

So, I'm not sure your statistics will be an accurate indication of a choice. The better question might be whether, given a cure, would Deaf choose the cure over their culture. Or, given a choice of implant or not would a person choose that option, many "deaf" as opposed to "Deaf" have that choice as well.

Exactly. At best a CI makes a deaf person functionally HOH. I wish people would stop equating artificial hearing with hears like a hearing person.
Ok. Are you trying to say you don't think young people should be told if they are doing something in a way that should probably earn them a failing grade?

Way to put words in my mouth, dude...I'm saying that this may not be about getting the right numbers but learning the process of what one does WITH those numbers...we do not know this kid, assignment objectives, or grading style of the teacher
Way to put words in my mouth, dude...I'm saying that this may not be about getting the right numbers but learning the process of what one does WITH those numbers...we do not know this kid, assignment objectives, or grading style of the teacher

I asked a simple question about the intent of you comment. I am not a dude, and this is a rude response to my request for clarification.
You suck, Claudette...
I apologize for calling you "dude", I actually had no idea what gender you identify as, I have always just had the habit of calling people "dude" the way some people say "buddy" or "pal"

I am rereading my second post and aside from calling you, "dude" which may be rude to you but to many (especially the under 40 crowd) it's simply just a slang term (since you have the label of "Old Deaf Ranter", I am acknowledging that this could potentially be a generation-gap thing) I am curious at what part came off as rude, since I was just clarifying what may have been misinterpreted in my previous post. I did not mean to come off as rude

By the way, who's Claudette?
Claudette's just another female name.....:lol:

haha I know Claudette is another female name, I'm just not familiar with its other use. I honestly wasn't sure if they were trying call me a term (one that I am not aware of) that they thought would make me annoyed because I called them a "dude"--if this is a slang term, than cool!!
my first thought was that they thought I was another member (possibly one who's a troll and comes back with new alias)

This is where the internet sucks, you can't always tell the intention behind some comments

Well, I'll let Botti enlighten you.....if she wants to...
Well, I'll let Botti enlighten you.....if she wants to...

Autocorrect. I was just so angry at the snotty response that I didn't bother to correct to "dudette ". I also figured the poster must be a 10 year old hearing SAB fan too.
Autocorrect. I was just so angry at the snotty response that I didn't bother to correct to "dudette ". I also figured the poster must be a 10 year old hearing SAB fan too.

Well, that's okay--I hadn't heard that Claudette name in eons and when I saw it, I thought of Claudette Colbert....:lol:

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