Sara, I don't think you understand. This girl has already been through so much in her short life. She had cancer when she was younger, and it was rough for her. She has been in and out of the hospital for a great deal of her life. And, the cancer treatment caused damage to her heart. Now, if she goes ahead with the heart transplant, she would need to take immunosuppressive anti-rejection drugs so that her body would not reject the new heart. One of the risks of taking the immunosuppressive drugs is that it would suppress her immune system, and as a result, make her more susceptible to another bout of cancer. Then she would have to go through the chemotherapy, and possible radiation, and it would, again, damage her new heart. She doesn't want to suffer anymore with the chemotherapy and radiation and the risk of it damaging the new heart. She wants to just live her life and not suffer and just let nature take its course. She is very aware that she may die if she does not get the new heart, but she has accepted that risk. It's her decision, and you have to respect that.