Girl meets winning bidder who will take her virginity!!

I wonder what her tax rate is going to be under the new rules? :lol:
Silly girl just put herself in that increase category.:giggle:

True but if she handles the money correctly, She won't have to work for years if not all her life and don't have to pay taxes again except for interests earned.
True but if she handles the money correctly, She won't have to work for years if not all her life and don't have to pay taxes again except for interests earned.

That will give her plenty of time to attempt to develop some character and ethics.
That will give her plenty of time to attempt to develop some character and ethics.

Would be nice but if she is doing this now, I doubt she would even develop anything! Main reason is cause she is gonna think everything will be handed to her. Beside she got that money the easy way ( if you want to look it that way). She is not gonna be careful about it and blow it quickly. (pun intended)
Geez, Just when you thought you've heard it all. This one is just another idiotic plea. :roll:
Umm I think girls are smelling the money. I dont sell my body for sex!
$1 million or my virginity/pride? :hmm:

I will have to think about it.

Ohhh wait! I am not a virgin anymore! Darn it!
Poor guy paying a million bucks to just pop a cherry, is just cheesy. He must be pretty desperate.
You mean the show or the actual act?

I sure hope they don't show the actual act!!

The reality show. Not the actual act. Just the story.

I sure hope not! Due to it will attract young viewers and teach them it is ok to take money for sex.