I told myself I wasn't going to post, but I'm going to now.
Yes, ravensteven is correct about about America's stand on the Second World War before and after.
Some clarification needs to be made about the vietnam war:
The only reason why America got involved into that war was to fight communism at that time, involving the northern part of Vietnam against the Viet Cong (if my memory serves me right on the name). The Viet Cong (i forgot the leader's name at this moment) was fighting the south side because of the "president" placed in power by the americans at the time in order to get some influence into the government to create more of a profit in the fat cats pockets.
Of course, the strongest nation in the world got their ass kicked by a small group of determined fighters. How beautiful.
Not to mention, it's very interesting that the US government trained Osama Bin Laden to fight against the Soviet Union who were invading Afgahnistan at that time.
Also, if my memory serves me correctly, the Americans were told time and time again to remove their forces off their holy ground. Osama was very vocal about this, but they never did. Shame, shame. For this reason, I believe Osama was banished from the place.
Quite frankly, americans do not necessary have a very good reputation for diplomacy around the world... it's interesting to hear how some american tourists go so far to wear a piece of material that'll publicly display them as Canadian. Is that shame, I see?
World problems will always exists as long someone is around to make small mistakes that will eventually snowball into the future... in this case, 9/11.
Please know that i am not disrespecting the victims of 9/11.
Going off topic hereI'm Canadian...
I don't support war, but if for some reason I became drafted for a major war, I'll fight to defend my lover, not for my country, your country, or anyone's country, but for the person who matters to me the most.
back on the topic
The reason why they are trying to stop the abuses is because they do not want to have lasting problems to come back around and bite them back in the ass again. Violence begets violence... it was fortunate that the media got a hold of this information, otherwise the american military would never have released it to the public and hte men responsible would have continued the abuses or get away free.
Think about it, people... if I invaded your country and torture you in the most horrible way and then let you live or your children live, how would that turn out? You'll get older and attack my country for something one person did to you.
All that, just for revenge.
wow, that was a long post