getting to know me better


New Member
Sep 28, 2005
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hey you all i know i ve been posting for a while but i noticed i havent formally introduced myself

i am deaf as you all may know and some people here doesnt like me some people here does like me so if you want to get to know me more then just simply chat with me thru pm or something like that because if i do describe myself in my own view what about your all views? you know? i want you to get to know me in your own accord before you decide anything against me hmm? because apparently there are some posting that accuses me of lying so i thought i d clear it up by simply getting to know me in your own accord so ask me anything or chat with me to get to know me better then you can decide to see if i am an liar or not granted everyone lies but i hate to lie so i would perfer for you all to decide for yourselves since that certian person have no proof and i have no proof that i m not lying either so that way everyone wins hehe

mods i apologize if this is in an wrong section of an forum you can move this thread to any section you see fit

{Mod Note: Thread's in the appropriate place-- ;) Btw, welcome to AD! ~RR}
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I dont know you. Welcome to alldeaf and enjoy. Just ingore people if they don't like you.
It doesn't help to get people to like you. Simply, ignore them and move on. By the way, welcome.
:welcome: to AD!!! Not everyone is gonna like everyone in this world. If so, it would be boring?
to AD.. its ok that u havent introduced yourself .. better late than never.. heh.. anyhow I hope you will enjoy the stay with us and happy posting away! :)
Welcome to AD, Darkflare!! Enjoy your postings! I read your posts and am sorry about your break up. It has hurt you badly, but you will be fine. You're really young and you will have opportunities to meet your lifetime soulmate. Keep thinking positive...why? Cuz when you keep thinking positive, good things will happen to you. Smile!! Sometimes love comes when you aren't even looking. Enjoy your life no matter if you have a lady or not. Be happy first for yourself.
Don't worry about the fact that those people who don't like you. There are some that don't like me too even the ones that were banned from AD, Like it's all my fault? :ugh: to be quite honest with you, I don't care anymore what they say about me, it's all lies, they don't know me personally or ever met me in real life to know me so just be who you are and stay that way, Do not even change yourself for nobody. :thumb:
Hey Darkflare, welcome to AD. I'm sorry I haven't really noticed you before now, so I really can't form an opinion just yet. It seems that one's conduct is what determines how others tend to perceive them online and you haven't done anything that I am aware of to taint that perception. While some here seem to be overly concerned with their own popularity standing (otherwise they wouldn't continue whining about such), you seem to be secure with who you are.
hey buddy ! Welcome to AD ! !

No worry abt others that what they talks about u or whatever... Who cares...:eek:

Just be yourself ! be cool man ! ! ! :cheers: :cool2:

Enjoy with your lifetime! ! Your life is very important.


Don't let anyone change you or criticizing your life styles..

Let it be!

Hafta fun posting here!
Hey Homey D:

I've seen you around, but here's a big hello from my side o' the 'net!

- Endy
Hey there, Steven...

No one is perfect. Some of people don't like that person, other people do like that person. There's no difference.. I bet there is some of people don't like me also, I don't care because they don't know me that well like other people does, you know? You already have good friends, you know who I talk about. ;) :hug: welcome to alldeaf, I'm glad that you are still in here :thumb:
Of any forum I've participated in (though the number is few), this one has the most welcoming and most encouraging members by far. You're in the right place -- don't let the bad moments get ya down. :mrgreen:
:welcome: to Alldeaf! Don't let the others bother you at all. You just do what you want to say. OK :)
Hey darkflare83 don't worry about other people, I don't:)
Just not worth it really. Although I wasn't here the time ya joined.
Might as well make it offical for ya...
:welcome: To All Deaf darkflare83!!
Have Fun Posting &
Enjoy Your Stay Here:thumb:

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