Get to know me?


New Member
Jun 26, 2008
Reaction score
Hi! :wave:
I'm pretty new here. I saw the "ask me anything" thread and thought it looked like a fun way to settle in. Credit to CrzyMeg and orione1even for the idea. So, go ahead, ask me anything! :P
Thanks! Well, so far, I like that AD has some very nice, welcoming, and open-minded people. :)
Hi! :wave:
I'm pretty new here. I saw the "ask me anything" thread and thought it looked like a fun way to settle in. Credit to CrzyMeg and orione1even for the idea. So, go ahead, ask me anything! :P

I'm pretty sure they werent the first to start it :-P
but anyway... ummm lets seee

do you like to shop!?
if so for what?
if not why not?
I don't know what to ask, but I will try.

What things do you like about Georgia (in general)?
Who are you? Where from? What do you do for a living?
Oh boy! Lots of questions. :) Yay! I'm at work right now, so I will have to come and go. Ok, lets see...

What is your most favorite and precious in the world?
There are lots! I can't choose just one. I would have to say my nephews and niece, my mom, and my pets.

do you like to shop!?
if so for what?
if not why not?

Of course!! Clothes!! Stuff for the house! Jewelry! Shoes! Just about anything. :)
What things do you like about Georgia (in general)?

Well, I am native Georgian. Growing up here, I hated it and couldn't wait to leave. But, when I left, I missed it. I can't really explain it, there is just something about the south that I missed. I like all the trees and the hills, the mountains, the waterfalls, the beach, and the mild winters.
Who are you? Where from? What do you do for a living?

Woah! That's a lot. Um...who am I...I am very easy-going. I'm laid back, get along with most people, I love to laugh, have a great sense of humor, I enjoy life, but am pretty boring. I like to stay home and do puzzles. I can be very outgoing and very shy. I like to be creative, I enjoy art. I love animals!!!! I do not like being outside in the heat. I hate Summer. I love Winter. I love sitting outside in the Fall or Spring and just watching the birds. I like to watch people, too. I think people are very interesting.

I am from GA.

Right now, I am a receptionist and a student, but I want with all my heart to be an educational interpreter at an elementary school.
From your likes and dislikes you sound like my twin sister. Except I am a deaf grandmother from Iowa. I am guessing you are early 20's , hearing, student? Forgive if someone asked already, I . Away from home on Blackberry, hence slow.
:) I just turned 30. Yes, hearing student. I have an interview next month to try to get into the Interpreting Program.
umm :hmm:..... What is your favorite Vegetable and Fruit?? :D
My favorite vegetable - Zucchini!! Yum! Did I spell that right?

Favorite fruit - grapes

The white dog in the picture above, his favorite fruit is pineapple. Weird!!
What things do you like about Georgia (in general)?

Well, I am native Georgian. Growing up here, I hated it and couldn't wait to leave. But, when I left, I missed it. I can't really explain it, there is just something about the south that I missed. I like all the trees and the hills, the mountains, the waterfalls, the beach, and the mild winters.
Probably the Southern hospitality and everyday fixtures like sweet tea? :) I moved to Georgia from Tennessee in 1994. I have always considered Georgia my home even when I was a kid.
:) I just turned 30. Yes, hearing student. I have an interview next month to try to get into the Interpreting Program.
GPC in Clarkston? If so, they have one of best Interpreting program in the country. There is a metro school for the deaf nearby - very nice school. Best luck on the interview. :)
Oh yes, sweet tea!! How could I forget that?!

What part of TN? I lived in Knoxville for about 6 months.

Yes, GPC at Clarkston. I did a lot of research and read great things about their program, and it is right here. :) Thank you for the good luck wish!! I'm nervous.
Oh yes, sweet tea!! How could I forget that?!

What part of TN? I lived in Knoxville for about 6 months.

Yes, GPC at Clarkston. I did a lot of research and read great things about their program, and it is right here. :) Thank you for the good luck wish!! I'm nervous.
Cool. I grew up in the town of Loudon near Lenoir City/western Knoxville (Farragut).

You will do just fine at the interview - just be yourself. :)