Get to know Matt, ask me anything.

Originally posted by Wolfboy
Now I get it. God im rusty at ASL. Havent signed for 5 yrs. I signed once in a while for my friends to understand but most of the time they dont understand.

And for question:

What do you wish to do now?
Wish to do now about what???
Originally posted by ChelEler
Do you wish that you're Deaf like us? :naughty:
I will never be Deaf like everyone here, unless, for some medical reason, I lose most or all of my hearing. Yes, I do consider myself Deaf at times. I have a return question. What would you consider as "Deaf like us"?
I think it would be cool! ;) It would be cool if EVERYONE knows STANDARD sign language, so that way no one will "misunderstand" each other all the time. :thumb:

It doesn't matter if they're Deaf or Hearing. ;)
Originally posted by prostock19
Wish to do now about what???

Anything. Like I wish to go to the carshow now or I wish to kick it with my friends now. That sorta thing.
Originally posted by ChelEler
I think it would be cool! ;) It would be cool if EVERYONE knows STANDARD sign language, so that way no one will "misunderstand" each other all the time. :thumb:

It doesn't matter if they're Deaf or Hearing. ;)
A standard would be cool, but as you know, different parts of the country have different signs. I found that out very quickly when I started meeting new Deaffies. I can't wait until fall and go to Gally and NTID again.
Originally posted by Wolfboy
Anything. Like I wish to go to the carshow now or I wish to kick it with my friends now. That sorta thing.
Right now, I wish for time off to be with friends.
the car.... near parents house. THAT car! u showed me. punish 16 or something and the guy took u there and u luv racing since then. THAT car!
Originally posted by ShEiLdTaLiSmAn
the car.... near parents house. THAT car! u showed me. punish 16 or something and the guy took u there and u luv racing since then. THAT car!
LOL. The day we went for the walk.
My favorite channels are Discovery, TLC, History, and Animal Planet. LOL. I'm bored.
Originally posted by prostock19
LOL...Cuz you think I am boring?? LOL

LOL.... nope... interesting!!!

Do you find working nightshift really screws the body clock up?

I used to work nights as a croupier in a Casino... it's hard pleasing "Day" people.... eating dinner for breakfast and breakfast for dinner....
Originally posted by WonderBum
LOL.... nope... interesting!!!

Do you find working nightshift really screws the body clock up?

I used to work nights as a croupier in a Casino... it's hard pleasing "Day" people.... eating dinner for breakfast and breakfast for dinner....
YES!!! BIG YES!!! On my days off, I am all screwed up. I can't wait to get a real job 1 day...M-F day shift.
Originally posted by prostock19
LOL...Cuz you think I am boring?? LOL
No you are not boring person...
You are very interesting and you are lucky for being a friendly and easy going with people with any kinds..
thank you for being you! :D
Originally posted by MsGiglz
No you are not boring person...
You are very interesting and you are lucky for being a friendly and easy going with people with any kinds..
thank you for being you! :D
Thank you :D I appreciate the boost when I need it.
Matty. Ever heard that Gally accepts a limited number of hearing people as undergraduates now? I know my coda friend is UG right now, and he's happy about it...
Originally posted by Liza
Matty. Ever heard that Gally accepts a limited number of hearing people as undergraduates now? I know my coda friend is UG right now, and he's happy about it...
Yes, I don't know what is up with my education. I want to improve my siging and my ASL. Then, maybe I may try to be an interpreter or a teacher (Math or Computer sciences). Not sure. My mood and attitude will determine what I do.

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