Get Over It, Wolves Do NOT Attack People

Also, Angel, there's a big difference between "I never heard......" and "This never happened". Good morning, btw!
^Angel^ said:
Are you trying to tell me how to post?

...cause I used to word " never " I don't see it being against the law to even not allowed to use that word.....
It is not a "law". It is just a good rule of grammar and logic to avoid using such words in an argument or debate because even just one exception to the statement can discredit the entire thesis. It is safer to use words and phrases such as, "sometimes, often, rarely, almost always, most, a few, majority, minority, etc." Many people get tripped up on true/false test questions because of the use of "all or never" words.

Example: If someone states, "Bears never attack humans," then by using just one story of a bear attacking a human, makes the statement false. But if someone states, "Bears sometimes attack humans," then you can have a good open discussion.

I don't think its right for people to tell others what words to use when they making a post....
It was just a friendly suggestion, a general principle of speech. I just said "be careful" using those words. I didn't say, "you can't use these words." I don't understand the problem. :dunno:
I don't mean to ask a dumb question...u know snow sledding dogs up in north, do they use hybird wolves?? thanks.
Tousi said:
Also, Angel, there's a big difference between "I never heard......" and "This never happened". Good morning, btw!

That's so true, I get it now LOL , Thanks Tousi and Good morning to you too ;)
Reba said:

It is not a "law". It is just a good rule of grammar and logic to avoid using such words in an argument or debate because even just one exception to the statement can discredit the entire thesis. It is safer to use words and phrases such as, "sometimes, often, rarely, almost always, most, a few, majority, minority, etc." Many people get tripped up on true/false test questions because of the use of "all or never" words.

Example: If someone states, "Bears never attack humans," then by using just one story of a bear attacking a human, makes the statement false. But if someone states, "Bears sometimes attack humans," then you can have a good open discussion.

It was just a friendly suggestion, a general principle of speech. I just said "be careful" using those words. I didn't say, "you can't use these words." I don't understand the problem. :dunno:

I apologize for misunderstood your post Reba, and I get it now, I guess I have alot more to learn... :aw:

Please forgive me Reba! :hug:
^Angel^ said:
I apologize for misunderstood your post Reba, and I get it now, I guess I have alot more to learn... :aw:

Please forgive me Reba! :hug:
No problem. :hug:
Downing, I don't think so...most sled dogs I believe are Malamutes and other species of the husky type dog. But there's probably some wolf in some of these breeds but the "wildness" has probably been bred out of them for hundreds of years. A little off here...I have heard of people who keep wolves but they NEVER turn their backs to them.

Btw, the timber wolf is the animal that most fascinates me. I really like em but from a healthy, respectful distance, lol
No need to get so upset over about that, Beowulf.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion based on what they have read, or from their experiences with wolves. I believe wolves attack humans are possible, but remotely from common.
domesticated dogs have killed people in the past, and wolves are their ancestors which is not domesticated in the first place so I believe they have the potential to kill?
Kai Onca said:
domesticated dogs have killed people in the past, and wolves are their ancestors which is not domesticated in the first place so I believe they have the potential to kill?

Actually, many wild animals have the potential to kill. Some animals were just not meant to be pets. Even normal 'harmless' wild animals can cause injury. Even a gentle Bambi deer when back into a corner can come out swinging and cause some damage. One example can be Found Here
Don't forget that it is largely depend on people and their intentions too. Animals aren't stupid... especially wolves. I am a wolf lover and I hanged around with 'tamed' wolves at my friends' place time to time (he is their certificated caretaker and breeder to protect the wolves from immoral hunters). To my understanding that wolves are able to read the people very well. I mean, they can tell that people are 'good' or 'bad' but not always though. Huge thanks to Tom Brown Jr for his wonderful knowledges about many things included wolves.

I met wild wolves few times in the past (while in camping, hiking, etc) and they 'granted' me the permissions to pet them. I plan to live along with wolves someday for 6 months or longer to study them more. Like dolphins, wolves are way more civilized than humans ever can be. I fell in love with wolves and their sophisticated family/social structure.

Under current Admin, hunting of wolves are soaring and they can be extinct within 5 years or so. That made me pissed off... In one of Native American books, Native American once said, "Treat wolves with evil intentions and the mother earth spirit shall smash the evil doers or make them suffer". I hope so!
wow, interesting thread here.

I alway thought wolves attack human and animals until I find out thru website. I was like wow when I read the list of animal attack files. It's interesting to read then you will be surprised that there're rarely wolves attack in the list but bull pit.


I know that wolves are not friendly to humans and hunt animals.
An old lady in my hometown neighborhood was attacked by a coyote once.