Hi there,
I am new at the alldeaf.com community here. Trusting that I´ll get some answers to my following questions, I start my first posting now.
Well, I´m from Germany and I am searching for some nice deaf people from California. My husband (deaf) and I (hoh) come over to CA in the middle of august 2007 to make holidays for three weeks. We have the intention to make a round trip from L.A. over San Francisco, Yosemite, Grand Canyon etc.
So it would be great to meet other deaf people during our trip. Maybe someone can give us straight tips to meet deaf people or give sightseeing tips? I would be happy to meet other deaf people from different country.
We are divers. Is there anybody who dives, too?
Hope to hear from someone!
Greetings from Germany,
I am new at the alldeaf.com community here. Trusting that I´ll get some answers to my following questions, I start my first posting now.

Well, I´m from Germany and I am searching for some nice deaf people from California. My husband (deaf) and I (hoh) come over to CA in the middle of august 2007 to make holidays for three weeks. We have the intention to make a round trip from L.A. over San Francisco, Yosemite, Grand Canyon etc.
So it would be great to meet other deaf people during our trip. Maybe someone can give us straight tips to meet deaf people or give sightseeing tips? I would be happy to meet other deaf people from different country.

We are divers. Is there anybody who dives, too?
Hope to hear from someone!
Greetings from Germany,