German court: PETA Holocaust ad is offensive

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Sussi *7.7.86 - 18.6.09*
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Jan 13, 2004
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German court: PETA Holocaust ad is offensive
Ad compared factory slaughterhouses to Nazi concentration camps

BERLIN - Germany's highest court has ruled that a PETA ad campaign comparing animal slaughterhouses to the Holocaust is an offense against human dignity.

The 2003 campaign used eight, 60-square-foot panels depicting images of factory farms next to Jewish concentration camp inmates and the slogan "Holocaust on your plate."

The Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe on Thursday ruled that the ad campaign was not protected under freedom of speech laws.

PETA — People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals — claimed its goal was to compare Nazi-run concentration camps with contemporary animal abuse.

Paul Spiegel, former president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, filed the suit against the ad campaign along with several other Jewish organizations.

German court: PETA Holocaust ad is offensive - Europe-

What's your opinion on this?

I find silly to compare factory slaughterhouses with Nazi concentration camps.
It's really sick!
But it's not the only time people would do such things.
I remember when they shot Bruno, there were many animal-rights activists, who showed pictures of the dead bear next to pictures of dead humans.
A few years ago I was on a homepage of one of those activists and there were several pictures and comparisons that were, well let's say I wouldn't even consider to compare such things.. The women was fighting against hunting law and had a picture of a drive (you call it that?) with 30 dead rabbits on the floor and next to it a picture of victims in a concentration camp.

I really don't get why people refuse to grasp the complexity of an issue like that specific part of german history. How they abuse it for their own reasons.

I really don't know what else to say about that...
I find silly to compare factory slaughterhouses with Nazi concentration camps.
It's really sick!
But it's not the only time people would do such things.
They are trying for the shock value I guess.
Personally, I think everyone in PETA should be gassed on the merit that they're 100% (besides the Westboro church) the most ridiculous organization to ever grace our planet.
It is an insult to the dignity and humanity of those who lost their lives in the Holocaust.
PETA need goes bankrupt.
PETA or not whoever came up and made those ads has very poor taste.


PETA = People Eating Tasty Animals
I saw them in DC a few months ago. They showed naked women giving out free veggie platter. The PETA staffers looked like kids of priviliges families with nothing to use but waste their expensive educations. And Harvard Law School has an endowed chair in animal rights.
I find it very offensive!
PETA Killed 95 Percent of Adoptable Pets in its Care During 2008

Hypocritical Animal Rights Group’s 2008 Disclosures Bring Pet Death Toll To 21,339

WASHINGTON DC – Today the nonprofit Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF) published documents online showing that People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) killed 95 percent of the adoptable pets in its care during 2008. Despite years of public outrage over its euthanasia program, the animal rights group kills an average of 5.8 pets every day at its Norfolk, VA headquarters.

According to public records from the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, PETA killed 2,124 pets last year and placed only seven in adoptive homes. Since 1998, a total of 21,339 dogs and cats have died at the hands of PETA workers.

Despite having a $32 million budget, PETA does not operate an adoption shelter. PETA employees make no discernible effort to find homes for the thousands of pets they kill every year. Last year, the Center for Consumer Freedom petitioned Virginia’s State Veterinarian to reclassify PETA as a slaughterhouse.

CCF Research Director David Martosko said: “PETA hasn’t slowed down its hypocritical killing machine one bit, but it keeps browbeating the rest of society with a phony ‘animal rights’ message. What about the rights of the thousands of dogs, cats, puppies, and kittens that die in PETA’s headquarters building?”

Martosko added: “Since killing pets is A-OK with PETA, why should anyone listen to their demands about eating meat, using lab rats for medical research, or taking children to the circus?”

CCF obtained PETA’s “Animal Record” filings since 1998 from the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Members of the public can see these documents at

In addition to exposing PETA’s hypocritical record of killing defenseless animals, the Center for Consumer Freedom has publicized the animal rights group’s ties to violent activists, and shed light on its aggressive message-marketing to children.

The Center for Consumer Freedom is a nonprofit coalition supported by restaurants, food companies, and consumers, working together to promote personal responsibility and protect consumer choices.

For media comment, contact our media department at 202-463-7112 ext. 115
I don't know if you know this but Vampy has a similar thread over in the Pet section.....
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