George Bush cancels Switzerland trip over fears of being arrested

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Reba, again, I said this based on what was posted on this thread as I've already mentioned and had you taken the time to actually scroll and follow the thread of conversation, you would have realized I was responding to TXGolfer's claims that Bush cancelled due to so called threats of violence from the leftist protestors.
Yes, I did scroll thru, and I didn't see anything about Bush or his spokesman saying that Bush was afraid of protesters.
The charges against him still stands. It's current and relevant. You don't agree?
No, I don't.

Your post has nothing to do with any current charges. If charges still stand, why not post a current event under Current Events?
Yes, I did scroll thru, and I didn't see anything about Bush or his spokesman saying that Bush was afraid of protesters.

wow...i guess you didn't read what i said about responding to txgolder at all. never mind. it definitely appears any attempt to have a discourse about Bush is wasted on people preferring to remain deliberately obtuse and claiming they didn't see what was written right there in front of them.

SMH. you guys can have fun with this thread. I am no longer going to make any attempts at creating an intelligent informed intellectual discourse on world events on AD. It's a futile endeavour.
*cough* smart? No, cowardly.

It's called threaten that what Switzerland do.

Frankly, I'm sick of FEAR that both liberal and conservative doing on us.

For example, Liberal tell us that US borrow lot of money from China and lot of oil from Middle Eastern, yet, it's only 7.8% loan from China. Conservative tell us that too many "Made in China" products that we buy, yet, the reality, it's only 2.7%. Only 88.5% products are Made in USA.
wow...i guess you didn't read what i said about responding to txgolder at all. never mind. it definitely appears any attempt to have a discourse about Bush is wasted on people preferring to remain deliberately obtuse and claiming they didn't see what was written right there in front of them.

SMH. you guys can have fun with this thread. I am no longer going to make any attempts at creating an intelligent informed intellectual discourse on world events on AD. It's a futile endeavour.

I think what you are missing is that, in fact, there are people who think a war crime was committed. However, that is not in and of itself their whole opinion.

Has anyone said a law has not been broken?
wow...i guess you didn't read what i said about responding to txgolder at all. never mind. it definitely appears any attempt to have a discourse about Bush is wasted on people preferring to remain deliberately obtuse and claiming they didn't see what was written right there in front of them.

SMH. you guys can have fun with this thread. I am no longer going to make any attempts at creating an intelligent informed intellectual discourse on world events on AD. It's a futile endeavour.
I reread (for the third time) Txgolfer's linked post about the cancellation. It stated:

"Bush spokesman David Sherzer expressed regret that the Feb. 12 event was scrapped, but declined to comment on the reasons for the cancellation."

So, very specifically, neither Bush nor his spokesman made any statement about Bush being afraid of protesters.

The cancellation was a decision made by the organizers of the event.

No, I don't claim to not see something that is in front of me. Rather, I don't make up stuff that isn't there.

Do you have an update on charges against Bush more current than last year's cancelled event?
"So basically, a bunch of leftists threatened violence in order to protest torture and a charity function had to be cancelled. "

This is now in the realm of absurdity, the whole "I didn't see that written anywhere" when you liked the very post it was written in. Give me a break. this is why i'm done with this thread.
Reba, quit this semantic quibbling BS. You know exactly what DC was talking about, just as you knew exactly what Karissa was talking about a couple days earlier, yet you make diversions from the topic at hand over a few inconsequential words. *SMH* If I didn't know better, I'd almost say you are turning into a troll.

As for some of the rest of you, I can understand if you don't have as negative a view of Bush, Inc. as most of the civilized world, or even if you feel neutral about him. I'll give you that. But to openly state that you admire this filthy piece of human scum and his crimes against humanity? That is beyond incredible, and you are beyond hope. I have nothing more to say.
You cannot deny he lied about the weapons of mass destruction? Personally, I disagreed with the war in Iraq, but I had no problem with the invasion of Afghanistan. In fact, I believe that should have been our only war. If we had concentrated on just that, IMO, Al-Queda would have been defeated years ago.

As I recall, he was blamed for lying about Al Queda being in Iraq too. Who is responsible for all the car bombings taking place ever since Obama ordered our withdrawal?
Reba, quit this semantic quibbling BS. You know exactly what DC was talking about, just as you knew exactly what Karissa was talking about a couple days earlier, yet you make diversions from the topic at hand over a few inconsequential words. *SMH* If I didn't know better, I'd almost say you are turning into a troll.

As for some of the rest of you, I can understand if you don't have as negative a view of Bush, Inc. as most of the civilized world, or even if you feel neutral about him. I'll give you that. But to openly state that you admire this filthy piece of human scum and his crimes against humanity? That is beyond incredible, and you are beyond hope. I have nothing more to say.
If you think that requesting truthful posting is trolling, so be it.
Reba, quit this semantic quibbling BS. You know exactly what DC was talking about, just as you knew exactly what Karissa was talking about a couple days earlier, yet you make diversions from the topic at hand over a few inconsequential words. *SMH* If I didn't know better, I'd almost say you are turning into a troll.

As for some of the rest of you, I can understand if you don't have as negative a view of Bush, Inc. as most of the civilized world, or even if you feel neutral about him. I'll give you that. But to openly state that you admire this filthy piece of human scum and his crimes against humanity? That is beyond incredible, and you are beyond hope. I have nothing more to say.

I admire Bush. He is a good man. And .... The Swiss should fork over all the gold they have hoarded and knowingly extorted from the Jews before they start playing any holier than thou blame game.

You may have heard the name "Adolf Eichmann" at some point?

Oh yeah ... and the lies you are claiming Bush made while in office?
"So basically, a bunch of leftists threatened violence in order to protest torture and a charity function had to be cancelled. "
That was TXgolfer's personal comment. Last time I checked, he's not a spokesman for Bush.

This is now in the realm of absurdity, the whole "I didn't see that written anywhere" when you liked the very post it was written in. Give me a break. this is why i'm done with this thread.
Yes, I liked the referenced link. The article clearly explained that it was the organization that cancelled its event. It also clearly stated that Bush's spokesman said nothing about the reason for the cancellation. Those are the facts.

There is absolutely nothing in that news article that states Bush was afraid of protesters, no matter how you try to spin it.
That was TXgolfer's personal comment. Last time I checked, he's not a spokesman for Bush.

Yes, I liked the referenced link. The article clearly explained that it was the organization that cancelled its event. It also clearly stated that Bush's spokesman said nothing about the reason for the cancellation. Those are the facts.

There is absolutely nothing in that news article that states Bush was afraid of protesters, no matter how you try to spin it.

no matter how I try to spin it? I was responding to TXGolfer who made that claim, not me. But should i be surprised that once again, you somehow skimmed over all of that? I shouldn't be, given your history.
no matter how I try to spin it? I was responding to TXGolfer who made that claim, not me. But should i be surprised that once again, you somehow skimmed over all of that? I shouldn't be, given your history.
I based my statement on the facts of the news article, not what TXgolfer said.

Even if I had refer TXgolfer's statement, he didn't state that Bush was afraid of protesters either.
As I recall, he was blamed for lying about Al Queda being in Iraq too. Who is responsible for all the car bombings taking place ever since Obama ordered our withdrawal?

Yeah, it's like Saddam Bussein was trolling everybody in worldwide, put fear to tell that he have awesome bomb. We had to come over and kick his ass.

Heck, it's like your friend lie to friend that he going to shot you with his actual gun but turn out it's only toy. He put fear on his idiot friend. That mean, everybody like us include me feel so idiot.
ADL is a propaganda mill that uses antisemitism as a shield. It's no different than any other organization that promotes something. Spin has been around since time began, but I think today most organizations have perfected it.

Of course, there is money. Does anyone actually think without money as influence, in this world you gain powerful allies? If that were the case, Haiti wold be totally repaired now from the last earth quake. It doesn't work that way. You have money and you gain power. That's how it works.

Perhaps, but still the response certainly carries that tone. One big accusatory swath.

I agree, having the necessary money and influence helps, but sometimes politics in their own country becomes their Achilles Heel. It certainly didn't help when many of the buildings weren't exactly up to standard even to handle a minor earthquake.
Haiti earthquake: Corruption kills, not tremors | Damian Carrington | Environment |

Although there are people who are helping to build earthquake resistant buildings. It will simply take time to get the info on soils and geology in the area to better understand what need to be done to insure better buildings.

The Big Idea - Safe Houses - National Geographic Magazine

Things are moving forward in Haiti for better buildings.
In Haiti's Rebuilding, Calls For Stronger Structures : NPR

And, of course, this ->
Where did it say in the article that they are threatening Bush with violence? Looks to me like you're taking great liberty with interpretation of this article.

I never said that.... *shrug* Obviously the organizers of the event thought there was enough of a threat to cancel the event.
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