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Oct 5, 2008
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New Sub-Forum in : Hearing Aids & Cochlear Implants

Dear Members,

We have created a new sub-forum in the Hearing Aids & Cochlear Implants section titled: Parents of Deaf Children with CI's.

A few things about this new forum.

-Only parents who are considering CI for their children are allowed to post in this forum.

-Only parents who are parents of Deaf children with CI's can post in this forum.

Also, if parents of Deaf children go elsewhere on the board and flame and troll this will be a ban. Likewise, for any one who is not a parent seeking CI for their child.

This doesn't mean that you cannot talk in other forums about your child, BUT THIS IS THE ONLY PLACE YOU MAY TALK ABOUT CI.

We are hoping this brings a little peace. People may still post in the CI section about questions and whatever else you want to talk about regarding CI but we will not have people claiming they are right and others are wrong regarding this anymore.

AD is a place people come to learn, and ask for advice, it shouldn't be so hostile.

If you have any questions please ask.

CBE and the rest of the Mod team.
May I raise my arm up in the air?

So the term: ASL can be mentioned in the CI section?
May I raise my arm up in the air?

So the term: ASL can be mentioned in the CI section?

FF, I figured this may be asked :) The thing is if someone comes asking about ASL or Oral that is fine, you can give your respectful opinion and explain why or why not.

If this turns into an argument then we will be watching who starts the argument. There are productive ways of discussing things without shoving your opinion down another persons throat. This is usually only brought up when talking about Children with CI's. This sub forum should take care of that. The parents can talk about it all they want in that sub forum and what they think is right and wrong for their child. The point is that, it will no longer be talked about in the main CI section.
If the rules are followed, this should cut down on the anger a great deal!
I'm confused -- only parents can post? (Which is fine) because I see there's already replies in there by non-parents.
I noticed that, but hopefully they will soon learn the rules.
Perhaps there can be a section devoted to non-oralism for parents of deaf children? Or is that redundant, due to other areas open for this?

I think this new subforum is a good idea. Just hope it plays out the intended way.
Perhaps there can be a section devoted to non-oralism for parents of deaf children? Or is that redundant, due to other areas open for this?

I think this new subforum is a good idea. Just hope it plays out the intended way.

I like that idea, because there's a clear distinction between sign language and oralism, yet they're grouped together in one section.
I have a question too - I have an uncle who just had two CI's - although I am not a parent of a deaf child, I do have family members who are considering getting a CI and I have a deaf neice. Is it permissible to post in those threads if it is on topic?
I have a question too - I have an uncle who just had two CI's - although I am not a parent of a deaf child, I do have family members who are considering getting a CI and I have a deaf neice. Is it permissible to post in those threads if it is on topic?

You are permitted to talk about them in the regular CI section on topic but we would really like to keep that sub forum for parents of CIs. A lot of people here know people who have them or are considering. It is just easier if we keep normal talk about CIs in the regular forum and the parents of children in another. Thanks for your question though :)
So we built a new play area for those that don't play well with others?
Oh Dixie and Beowolf.... lol

thank you SuperMod CBE!
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